Master of Arts
If there was a way you could help your community or any community, money and time being no object, you could have as many helpers as you want, but it must be using your art. How would you do it? Size of community is totally the choice of the answerer. (e.g. a block of houses or a small country)
Would you train certain people to defend themselves?
Would you train someone with the object of giving them self-esteem?
My answer to my own question. I would start up a movement to train abused women and children with the object of making them more aware of how to defend themselves and give them back some self-esteem and self worth. I would make sure they got counselling so they didn't turn into copies of the people they were abused by, and make the beginners classes secret so they could gain a little confidence from knowing that they would not have what they were doing traced by anyone.
I would go to them in refuges, schools and meeting halls and offer small private classes for free. In schools the classes could be advertised as extra gym for those who needed it.
Would you train certain people to defend themselves?
Would you train someone with the object of giving them self-esteem?
My answer to my own question. I would start up a movement to train abused women and children with the object of making them more aware of how to defend themselves and give them back some self-esteem and self worth. I would make sure they got counselling so they didn't turn into copies of the people they were abused by, and make the beginners classes secret so they could gain a little confidence from knowing that they would not have what they were doing traced by anyone.
I would go to them in refuges, schools and meeting halls and offer small private classes for free. In schools the classes could be advertised as extra gym for those who needed it.