Help me begin


White Belt
Jun 14, 2006
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Can I, 32 years old, with no previous martial art experience, practice, learn and defend myself with Kenpo?

With a good instructor, absolutely.
Anybody at any age can learn MA if they are 1st willing and 2nd able to be tought.
Yup, find an instructor go to class and train. That is all there is to it.
Absolutely after the first night if the guy throws a right punch.

Good luck on your jouney. This is a great place if you have questions.


Yes anyone can learn to defend themselves, at any age. As others have touched on, it’s the mentality that counts the most.

There are a few realities that have to be faced concerning MA and self defense.

1st - It takes time to develop effective self defense skills. It will not happen over night, or over a week or month. I've often been told that a martial artist is their most vulnerable in the first year of their training. This is because their training overrides natural reflexes, causing hesitation. I also believe this because in this year the student's ego often over inflates, placing the student in situations that might otherwise have been avoided.

2nd - Once you have developed effective SD skills you are not invincible. To quote a prominent senior kenpoist

Sigung Stepehn LaBounty said:
There will be pain. It might be yours.
There will be blood. It probably will be yours.
There will be anger, hatred even. It will be directed towards you.
(taken from Mr. LaBounty's website:

Kenpo/Kempo is an excellent place to being training for effective self defense skills, though it is by no means the only. It's the practitioner that makes the art effective, not the other way around. Every art and artist has gaps in skills it is up to you to find those gaps and fill them. Do that and you definitely will increase your effectiveness in self defense.

At its very core self defense transcends the physical applications of any art. Self defense is a mind set. It is among many things including situational awareness, self control and discipline, as well as exercising sound ethical judgment.

There are many quotes from many martial artists that attest to this ideal.

[FONT=helvetica, arial, verdana, sans serif][FONT=helvetica, arial, verdana, sans serif]"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection of the character of its participants." -- Gichin Funakoshi

"Do not hurt where holding is enough; do not wound where hurting is enough; do not maim where wounding is enough; do not kill where maiming is enough; the greatest warrior is he who does not have to kill"
~The Oath Of Peace - The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by: Stephen R. Donaldson
[FONT=helvetica, arial, verdana, sans serif][FONT=helvetica, arial, verdana, sans serif]

These are just two examples out of hundreds.


[/FONT] Okay, time for me to climb down off of my soap box, forgive me for sounding preachy.

Welcome to MartialTalk; use this invaluable resource to better yourself. Also I wish you the best of luck on your path, whatever course it may take.


[FONT=helvetica, arial, verdana, sans serif][FONT=helvetica, arial, verdana, sans serif] :asian:
Yes, find an instructor that meets your needs. There is quite a range in Kenpo instruction these days, some are blood and guts while others are friendly for the masses. Check out all options before choosing.

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