HELP??? Carpet is GONE

Brother John

Senior Master
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita Kansas, USA
Hey all...
I teach a few dedicated guys in my basement, but recently found that it leakes.... bad. I'm patching up the problem (the leak) but the carpet (basically an old handmedown) ROTTED. Now we are working out on cement.
ANY suggestions?
Eventually I will buy carpet for the room.
But it will probably be a bit.

Your Bro.
you can get remnants at a local carpet store for pretty cheap.....but it might be ugly..*G
My school is all tile floor. We have some 1/2 inch puzzle mats for the kids to spar on, but thats it. Alot of times, expecially this time of year, we go outside and workout on the parking lot. Every sat morning weapons class is outside.
It can be done, just be a little extra caerfull, thats my only words of wisdom.

Check with the local middle and high school gym staff. Sometimes they get rid of their old wresting mats for new ones and will practically give the old ones away.
The cement:
Old, cracked... may be damaging to bare feet.
But I'd still like to get carpet back so we can begin throwing each other around more.
maybe. I like it myself.

Ugly remnants:
GOOD idea. My wife doesn't care about ugly, why should I?
Your Brother
In the meantime... measure your basement floor area,

Go to a carpet store and purchase some cheapo carpet padding.

Not as good as carpet or mats, but WAY WAY WAY cheaper, and repairable by duct tape till you can afford somthing better.

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