Hello from Somewhere


White Belt
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I was surfing for Kenpo stuff and came across this site, looked like the type of conversations I could add to my web surfing rounds. So here's me:

Started in Shotokan about 10 years ago with Sensei Steve Beck in California. Did a couple of tournaments, even won my division in one. A couple of years after that I moved to Vegas and got into Mr. Ozawa's dojo there. I got my green belt at that dojo, but never had the opportunity to really meet the man before he died.

Moved to Seattle, hurt myself in Shotokan class one day. A couple months on crutches let me see the Kenpo class working in the back room. I tried it out and stayed for the next 3 years. Got to Purple with Mr. Todd Durgan and almost to blue, but circumstances dictated I move to Alabama.

I've tried a class or two with several schools around here. No Kenpo to be had locally, no Shotokan though there is a Shorin-ryu place a little northwest of Huntsville. I've found a place that offers Escrima at a time I can take it and, always having wanted to do stick-fighting, I'm about to go try it out.

I based my nickname on a funny (to me) Kenpo memory. A guy near my height but less than half my weight was trying to do Shielding Hammer on me and couldn't nail the ending. He couldn't move me and was having a very hard time shooting out my leg. Mr. Durgan sort of shrugged and said 'hey, big guys have certain advantages." It was funny for a few seconds until he demonstrated it again, on me, successfully moving me about 6 feet.

Big Mike
Greetings and welcome to MT Big Mike...
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay!:)

Welcome BigMike, any relation to our BigNick? :D

Hope you enjoy the forum! :wavey:
Lisa said:
Welcome BigMike, any relation to our BigNick? :D

No, didn't know there was a BigNick. So much for my shot at an original name, eh? :)

Greetings...my Dad used to go by "Big Mike" until my older brother ("Little Mike") grew half a head taller than him...then it was more confusing...
Hey Mike. I noticed that you studied with Todd Durgan for a while. He is a good friend of mine and a fellow student of Mr. Asa Rainey. As a matter of fact I will be going out to visit him at his Kenpo school tonight. I'll tell him that Big Mike is doing fine...Respectfully Wade Davis
P.S.Welcome to the Forum!!

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