Happy Birthday Mr. Norris!


Senior Master
So, today is Chuck's nirthday.

As I sit here meditating on his greatness and tryign to cultivarte my own hidden beard fist, I posit these thoguhts.

Chuck Norris does not blow out the canles on his cake, he merely stares them down, they extinguish themselves.

IF Chuck Norris were to blow out the candles on a birthday cake, it would result in a hurricane that would devistate much of the Asian Pacific, and take out all those hurricane causing butterflies.

Chuck Norris does not celebrate birthdays....Chuck Norris does not age...he is eternal.

Bruce Lee once gave Chuck Norris an "over the hill" coffee mug as a gag birthday gift...we all know what happened to bruce. Not sayin' it was Chuck...that would be dangerous.

Yea Yea Yea Chucks birthday, as I look over my shoulders to see if he is there. Chuck is the man forever!!!
to be expected I am a day late. Happy Be-lated B-day Chuck.

you know,

Chuck Norris died 10 years ago, but the Grim Reaper is too scared to tell him.

oh.... Hi Mr. Norrii.... :uhohh:


Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only beleives in the element of suprise.

The name of the movie "Brokeback Mountain" was actually inspired by what Chuck Norris calls the pile of defeated enemies on his front lawn.