Hapkido vs Aikido


artful dodger

Whats the difference between Hapkido and Aikido? I do TKD at the moment and am looking at finding a martial art that will complement my training.

just repeating what I've been told...
aikido is entirely defensive...using your opponent against himself.
hapkido is much more offensive. (um...that didn't come out quite right, but you know what I mean)
Hapkido is often taught along side of TKD, and would probably be the better choice because, besides also being Korean, have movements (ie, footwork) much more similiar to those in TKD. I'm not completely sure why to be honest, because I've never studied Hapkido, but it's usually the common response. I happen to prefer Hapkido from what I've seen of both, however I've never studied Hapkido or Aikido.

However, if you liked it better, there is NOTHING stopping you from taking Aikido. There's no reason you can't. However, most people suggest the Hapkido/Taekwondo combination.
Hapkido is Kicks and throws and punches and so on while Aikido is throwing and locks. Both are pretty good but Hapkido will help you to improve your kicking while learning take downs and so forth.
From what I've seen, by far. I think it's a little more realistic, too, but that's just me. But it's going to differ from school to school and the ryu of aikido (and, though less, the style of Hapkido).

I've seen a couple local Aikido schools who crosstrain in striking from Karate. Seems a little odd to me (and they look odd doing it) because karate is so linear and aikido so circular, but they're at least learning it.
Artful Doger,

Both are Physically demaning but in different ways.. Yes Hapkido has many styles of kicks... and take down too (as you get more advanced)... In Aikido.. you are taught how to fall properly.. so you are doing lots of breakfalls and being thrown. .and taken down as well.. Having studied both arts.. (currently in Hapkido) Both can be a challange on the body!!:asian:
You would definately have an advantage starting Hapkido training from a TKD background I think. Both systems were developed from the same style of Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu as taught by Takeda Sokaku. Also you have alot of the same terminology with HKD and TKD (for the most part :D )
Originally posted by Eraser

Both are Physically demaning but in different ways.. Yes Hapkido has many styles of kicks... and take down too (as you get more advanced)... In Aikido.. you are taught how to fall properly.. so you are doing lots of breakfalls and being thrown.

Hapkido teaches your breakfalls too doesnt it?
Similar conversation(s) have been had in detail,go to hapkido forum,and if you want you may release this same thread in hapkido or/and aikido forums as an example.
You might also want to study aikido theory on net with hapkido theory and go to aikidojournal.com and ask some questions.

To make a long story very short and give some hopefully satisfying answers:
They both come from daito-ryu aikijujutsu,but the one who says there is no more to that on both arts is rather foolish (both arts have had influence from other arts too)
Both use circular motion and non-resistance as their basic principles (considering that aikido uses bigger circles,while hapkido does smaller ones and can be more crippling)
Both arts can be translated as "way of harmony" in both korean and japanese and can be considered sister arts (there are huge differences though)
Both are internal arts,generally.
You would probably like it in terms of technique,so let´s rock:

Aikido:jointlocks,pinning,throws,striking (striking-atemi in aikido is usually for distraction purposes to follow with grappling,striking or kicking has been lost in many schools)
weapon defenses,defenses against multiple opponents,some weapon work (varying between schools) including use of stick.
Techniques done in standing,and sometimes in kneeling position.

Hapkido:everything above with technically much more,all basical areas of fighting included such as:groundwork,various strikes and kicks,pressure points,more weapon work in defensive and offensive manner,takedowns,chokes etc.

Here´s something to think of,hope it helped.

Now I want to learn Hapkido. I hope there's a school in my town although I doubt it. I'll start searching. Thanks for the info.
Yes in Hapkido there are breakfalls...

we currently aren't doing many of them... well.. backwards ones we do.. but no forward ones.. only because we still don't have mats at the main school. .but once we get em.. whooo hooo look out!! hehehehe

Artful dodger...

I wish you the best of luck in your studies.. wherever they may take you!!
No Hapkido clubs in Tauranga, NZ - that I can find anyway. I'll have to think of something else. Thanks for the help anyway.

I went through all that for nothing............:shrug:
No you didn't. I'm not living here forever, I'm getting frustrated with the small town mentality and never having enough choices with the things I want to do. I've only been here 6 months.
