hapkido msg boards besides mmtalk?


Humble artist

Looking for any hapkido boards on www besides this.

I´ll be looking and will appreciate any input.
This is a big art so I believe there could be more...
There is the TKDNET mailing list - it has some hapkido traffic.
the dojang digest is packed full with a bunch of Hapkido, Kuk Sool Won, and Han Mu Do guys,, I highly recommend that board. the whole thing is also ran by a Hapkido guy.. very civil on average in there also.
Michael Tomlinson
Dragon's List and Karateforums have a few Hapkidoists on them. As for a soley Hapkido forum, well I looking to.
This is my first post I wish to send greetings from Korea I will be here for several more days at Hapkido Chundokwan .

Hal. Well hello. My teacher just returned from Korea himself.
Originally posted by Hal
This is my first post I wish to send greetings from Korea I will be here for several more days at Hapkido Chundokwan.

Hey, Hal.
I'm glad you decided to give this a shot. It's good to have you here! Have a safe trip back.

Take care
Hey,Hal! You hijacked my thread. ;)
Seriously,welcome to the board. :asian:

Thanks for all the replies.
It seems there are not too many directly hapkido related boards but I´ll try those out.
:asian: :asian:
It is raining outside the Dojang and it is about six thirty a.m .
and I am going to sneak in a workout since they are closed on sunday,

I head home monday morning back to the headaches of the real world ,

This makes trip number nine and we have already made plans to return

It is amasing how much Korea has changed since i first was here in 1976.
