Had a Seizure in Jiu Jitsu Class Today


Yellow Belt
Mar 16, 2017
Reaction score
In Jiu Jitsu class, I sparred off against an 11 year old child who must have been about 90 pounds and 1 foot shorter and had only attended a few classes. I'm 34 years old and have been attending class for about 2 months now so I didn't want to try too hard. This attitude led to him (impressively) getting me in a full mount with his legs pinning my shoulders so his arms were free and mine weren't. He then strangled me. (sidenote: is this a legal move?) I tapped out with my feet as my arms were pinned and I couldn't verbally say it. The kid didn't notice me tapping and knocked me out. Fair play to the kid as he told me that he let go as soon as I went out. So I had a seizure on the mats and urinated as well. I'm completely fine, more amused than anything out of the instructor's concern for the mats. Wife was worried about brain hypoxia but I assured her that's only for long durations of unconsciousness. My neck is really tender with a red mark on it so I think I'll skip classes for a week or two until healed.

That would have been some way to go, huh? The missus keeps telling me this sport is too dangerous, but I didn't think I would be in danger from children! I didn't go to the hospital but I'm going to go in tomorrow just to make sure. Do I win the prize for the craziest day?
Well, at least you have a good sense of humor :)

Have you had seizures before? You should get checked by a physician.
Well, at least you have a good sense of humor :)

Have you had seizures before? You should get checked by a physician.

With the situation as strange as this, you have to laugh.

And nope, I haven't had any before. You're probably right.
With the situation as strange as this, you have to laugh.

And nope, I haven't had any before. You're probably right.
Every time you have a seizure, your seizure threshold lowers, so going to double up the advice of getting it checked out.
Id imagine that it shouldn't be a huge issue though if you're in your 30s and had your first one, but I'm also not a doctor so better to be safe than sorry.
Every time you have a seizure, your seizure threshold lowers, so going to double up the advice of getting it checked out.
Id imagine that it shouldn't be a huge issue though if you're in your 30s and had your first one, but I'm also not a doctor so better to be safe than sorry.

I don't plan on getting any more seizures! Thanks for the advice, I'll go tomorrow most likely.
Couldn't you still have tapped with your hands I mean your arms were trapped but could you have still moved your hands? Also were you actually fitting or did you just pass out I've seen people confuse the 2 before but either way you should get that checked out
I don't plan on getting any more seizures! Thanks for the advice, I'll go tomorrow most likely.
Your telling me you planned on having this one lol? Seriously though you never know especially when doing things like jiu jitsu or any martial art that has risk of brain injuries
I have been choked out on top of a guy. Went out. He didn't notice. Woke back up and subbed him.
Couldn't you still have tapped with your hands I mean your arms were trapped but could you have still moved your hands? Also were you actually fitting or did you just pass out I've seen people confuse the 2 before but either way you should get that checked out

There is this wierd state where you think you are consious but you are not. So you might remember tapping or yelling. But all you were actually doing was snoring.

With experience you get better at tapping a bit earlier.
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Couldn't you still have tapped with your hands I mean your arms were trapped but could you have still moved your hands? Also were you actually fitting or did you just pass out I've seen people confuse the 2 before but either way you should get that checked out

My hands were in a weird position and he mounted me by surprise. One hand was underneath my body and the other was palm down and half pinned so I could only drum the mat. It was a little humiliating to get mounted by a child with no experience; kind of made me wonder if I've even learned anything in the 2 months! Maybe I need to start going twice a week.

Not sure if I was fitting, I was too busy fitting :). Other people said I was shaking temporarily.
I have been choked out on top of a guy. Went out. He didn't notice. Woke back up and subbed him.

That is crazier! I had no idea where I was when I went out, was that an instinctual sub?
My hands were in a weird position and he mounted me by surprise. One hand was underneath my body and the other was palm down and half pinned so I could only drum the mat. It was a little humiliating to get mounted by a child with no experience; kind of made me wonder if I've even learned anything in the 2 months! Maybe I need to start going twice a week.

Not sure if I was fitting, I was too busy fitting :). Other people said I was shaking temporarily.

You just leaned what many martial artists never learn.

There are no lies on the mat.
That is crazier! I had no idea where I was when I went out, was that an instinctual sub?

Nah I just woke back up. I think he thought i was toying with him because I was probably lying there on top of the guy.

You almost never get a sub from the bottom. I didn't think it would work either.
That's really unlikely to be an actual seizure. That sort of random muscle twitching is quite common when people pass out (or are choked out).
You just leaned what many martial artists never learn.

There are no lies on the mat.

What's that mean? Spent 2 minutes re-reading this and came up with nothing. But I feel like I should be offended haha
That's really unlikely to be an actual seizure. That sort of random muscle twitching is quite common when people pass out (or are choked out).

Aren't seizures just random muscle twitching anyway?
What's that mean? Spent 2 minutes re-reading this and came up with nothing. But I feel like I should be offended haha

Your training wont work every time. People will come along and beat you. Even non trained guys can catch you out. Even if you are percieved as technically better. You learn to be humble and see the truth of things.

Your training is no longer based on what should happen but based on what does happen.

And when you learn to do that you become a better martial artist.
Aren't seizures just random muscle twitching anyway?

No. Seizures are the uncontrolled firing of neurons in all or part of the brain.
The twitching and jerking people do when they pass out looks a lot like a seizure to the layman, but it's really not.