Is Sports Jiu Jitsu new?


The sport jj I am familiar with is from Jujitsu America
They should have some info on the above site.

The way I understand it, the organizers wanted to have a sport as close to a real fight as possible, but still be able to go to work the next day.

They usually have a big tournament at their yearly convention.

Oh, the irony ...

sport jiu jitsu = JUDO :)

and Kodokan Judo was founded in Japan in 1882 by Professor Jigoro Kano, so no: sport jiu jitsu is NOT new ;)

just a rehash of something that was done over a century ago :)
The sport jujitsu event I attended allowed (and gave points for) a controlled roundhouse kick to the head one of my friends landed on his opponent. The points WERE weighted toward the ground stuff though...