


Hello from cleveland.

I found this site and it looked like a great group of folks so i decided to register.

for the last 11 years i have been studying jkd concepts/mma/streetfighting under my teacher Freddie Thompson. Mr. thompson holds a black belt under Ed Parker, and subsequently spent many years studying with Dan Inosanto.

Independently i have also trained in JJ, and shootfighting.

As i get older my interest has turned to some of the so-called internal styles and i have begun studying taiji.

belts and ranks have no meaning to me, i see only two ranks in fighting - can, and cannot. i do not say this disrespectfully as belts/ranks have great meaning and are immense undertakings for certain people. those people's achievemants are certainly worthy of recognition and respect.

i look forward to witty discourse with you all %-}
Greetings and welcome Mr_Scissors. I hope you enjoy MartialTalk!
Welcome to MartialTalk Mr. Scissors, enjoy posting and if we can answer any questions feel free to ask away! TW
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Welcome and have a good time @ MT :)

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