Good self defence training online..

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Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
Of all the meaningless and baseless accusations, yours are the most meaningless and baseless of all.

As a matter of fact, the jungle fortress is completely unknown except to a few tribes in the vincinity. And no, no archaeologist has ever been there. It belongs to us, and to us alone. Also, I might add, we own the copyright to those images of the fortress, and we alone. And there will never be any other images of it published anytime, anywhere, because we won't allow it. Take a good look, while you can - it's the ONLY view you will EVER get of it. Ever.

No other photographs of it exist. And these are owned by us, taken by a member of the Ryu.

...uh huh...


Yellow Belt
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Flying crane is just talking for the sake of talking, or to goad me, and is undeserving of any further reply.


Yellow Belt
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Yup. Worse, I sense a lack of grasp of intellectual points made here as well. Such as the one about owning the copyright to the pictures of our jungle fortress, and no other pictures of it existing. Such a claim is not made lightly - nor taken lightly, flying crane.

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
Yup. Worse, I sense a lack of grasp of intellectual points made here as well. Such as the one about owning the copyright to the pictures of our jungle fortress, and no other pictures of it existing. Such a claim is not made lightly - nor taken lightly, flying crane.

well it may not be made lightly, but it is being taken lightly.

Glad to see i'm still getting replies. Am I still on the Christmas card list?

Dude, you are way too much fun. This is really a hoot.


Yellow Belt
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Flying Crane:

To be honest, you amuse me too. You get a real kick out of goading people, don't you?

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
Flying Crane:

To be honest, you amuse me too. You get a real kick out of goading people, don't you?

Actually, no. I'm not usually a fraud-buster. Generally I don't care what someone wants to say or sell, and I don't like to ridicule people. It's not nice and it doesn't add anything positive to Martialtalk. If you search all the postings in all the threads that I have done here, you will find probably less than half a dozen, outside this thread. There is just something about you that is irresistable. Every time you make a post, you give me more material to work with, and I can't seem to help myself.

I think I've made my point. I'll try to stop now.


Yellow Belt
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Fine. I can accept that.

But that claim about the pictures of the fortress being owned by us and no others existing is utterly true, and you casually dismissed it.

I can understand your earlier cynicism about everything else, but this is a cold, ice cold legal statement, utterly to the point - and you dismissed lightly. That bespeaks lack of consideration. If you think we should, we'll put an official copyright notice on all the images, AND get a certificate of copyright from the U.S. government. I assure you that we can do this. Will that satisfy you?

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
Fine. I can accept that.

But that claim about the pictures of the fortress being owned by us and no others existing is utterly true, and you casually dismissed it.

I can understand your earlier cynicism about everything else, but this is a cold, ice cold legal statement, utterly to the point - and you dismissed lightly. That bespeaks lack of consideration. If you think we should, we'll put an official copyright notice on all the images, AND get a certificate of copyright from the U.S. government. I assure you that we can do this. Will that satisfy you?

I actually don't care what you do with the pictures. It makes no difference to me. It won't make me believe those ruins are anything more than an ancient cultural remnant, tourism site, and point of archaeological interest in whatever country they may be located.

Perhaps you actually visited those ruins with a tour group and took the photos yourself. If so, then I guess you are the owner of the photes. You can copyright them and do whatever else you might want with them. But you don't live in the ruins, you don't train in them, you don't call them "home", there is no ancient, secret "ninja" training center located within their crumbling walls.

You can tell whatever stories you desire about them. A healthy imagination is a good thing in many ways. But you will not convince me, nor, I daresay, anyone else here of your story.

Martialtalk has been, in my experience, a wonderful, open, accepting place for people of many many different backgrounds to gather and discuss martial arts in an honest, open way. There is room for all kinds of discussion, including arguments and disagreements. But you will not get respect here by trying to pass off these tall tales as reality.

If you have some real martial arts training, then welcome aboard. Why not drop this fantasy world, start over, and go the the Meet and Greet section and introduce yourself. Tell us a little bit about yourself, the extent of your training, and join in on the discussions here. Dig around in the forums and look for discussions that you can add to. Start up some discussions of your own, and we will join in. Just do it openly, honestly, respectfully, and drop this pre-pubescent fantasy that you are trying to sell. It's rediculous, and it will get you absolutely NO respect here.

I'd like to extend an olive branch. Maybe this thread can be closed down by the moderators, and we can put this scene behind us. MartialTalk is a great place with great people, and I am sure you can find a home here, if you backup a bit, change directions, and start over.

It's your choice, I hope you stop and think a bit before you make your decision.


Yellow Belt
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Flying Crane - there are no other pictures of those ruins on the planet.
Now, I appreciate what you were trying to do there, extending an olive branch. It's good of you. But what you're also missing is that those images are unique, and you're not going to see them anywhere else (or ANY pictures of the Fortress) - period.

Now you may like the pictures, or you may not. But no tour group goes to the Fortress.
Anyway, I've been patient, and you've been understanding - so let's just accept that no matter what I say, you'll have a reason to disbelieve it, and leave it at that, shall we?

Let this thread remain. It was a fine one-sided battle fought bravely - nothing less, nothing more. It was a battle. A series of incessant attacks against one defender. And of course you are all convinced you are right. You just can't be wrong, can you? You will not admit even the remote possiblity that a completely different culture might flourish on a remote part of the planet - oh, it's just impossible. You guys MUST be right and I MUST be wrong - in this exquisite universe, where all things are truly possible, this question is in black and white, isn't it? I envy you your assurance.

This is the last that I'm going to post. No doubt there will be some person who'll add to the insults. It matters not - he can take which answer suits him best from among my previous posts - I have made more than enough, and the objections cited seem to form the same pattern. I have answered with great patience, in great detail. If you can't see the points, it's your business.

Keep your olive branch, my friend - while I DO appreciate the thought and believe that you're essentially a good man, it is offered on your terms, not mine. You understand me.

Let's not you or I say any more, shall we? There really is no point to it, is there? I come from a distant culture that has secluded itself up to now - the gods help you people if someday aliens land from the stars.


Senior Master
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Greetings, Arath! :asian:

It is so good to hear from you! For you are an honorable man (so are ninjas all, all honorable men). It has been so long since I have heard from one of the few remaining TRUE ninjas: you are like long-lost children to us.

We are glad to hear you and your bretheren are doing so well!

You, of all our offshoots, remember the bulk of what we taught you. The rest, which we consider grandchildren or even great-grandchildren, remember so little. Mere shadows — a kick here, a bit of Chi-gong there. :rolleyes:

You see, I was personally trained by Chiun, last master of the ancient art of Sinanju. Surely your predecesors told you about us? While I must not give my TRUE name (if Chiun passes, I am a likely candidate to replace him if I keep training hard, although he says I still move like a retarded monkey), maybe you have heard of some of my students? They go by the names of Warren Murphy, Richard Sapi, Tim Somheil, Jim Mullaney and Molly Cochran.

Honestly I have not kept up with you Dark Ninjas over the last 100 years or so as we have been SO busy tending to "business" — the life of an assassin is SO time consuming, what with tending to the whims of emperors and kings: "You must kill this guy, please kill that guy!" How tedious. Public service can be such a chore.

So many assassinations; so little time. I really must talk to Chiun about subcontracting out to you and your bretheren some of the less-important jobs where the necessity to hide our work as "natural causes" isn't as necessary. I mean, these petty modern rulers always THINK it is important — especially in a day and age of CNN and whatnot, but usually just finding a good patsy is good enough (I like the kind with three names best — easy to remember for the masses!).

Please don't be discouraged by disbelievers here on Martial Talk: they are simply not aware of what is possible by mastering the full potential of the human body. Science always appears magical to those who haven't been trained properly.

While political unrest in North Korea makes travel to our village dangerous for most (Chiun likes it that way: keeps out the riff-raff), I'm sure with your skills (as paltry as they are compared to Sinanju) you will nevertheless have no problem getting here, if you would ever care for a refresher course.

Please do send a check or money order in advance, however. While money is not important to us, maintaining Chiun's satellite dish so he can get his soaps DOES take a bit of currency.

Use this Web site and click on the Sinanju link for the location of our village. When you get here, just ask any fisherman for directions to Chiun's hut and he will point you in the right direction. (Just show him your Dark Ninja tattooo and tell him your real name.)

P.S.: Have no concerns about me revealing some information about myself. My Martial Talk friends will be sure to maintain my cover as a humble practitioner of hapkido and taekwondo. Chiun tolerates my association with them in the hopes that I will run across another one with the potential to train in Sinanju. We anticipate a lot of business what with the unrest in Persian countries and all.

P.S.S. Sorry to hear about that nasty business with Bruce Wayne — that WAS your clan that trained him, right? Some people just don't GET how important we assassins are to maintaining order among the nations!


Senior Master
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
North Augusta, SC
Could someone just lock this thead already?
This is a sad and disgraceful representation of what this forum is know for.



Senior Master
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
West Michigan
Have to make one more quick post here. I took the two photos that appeared to have the same "ninja" in them and did a closer evaluation. Arath is right, and I was wrong. They are not flipped. Appears to be the same individual in that ungodly akward and unbalanced position, but they are indeed taken at different times. No need to flip the images to compare, it is actually easier to compare two photos that are close to being the same in a mirror image format. Make them the same size and compare them side by side and slowly bring them together overlapping one with the other, it brings out the points that are different in a very easy to see manner.

Still think it is a crock; and on that note I will gracefully bow out of the conversation.

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
Reaction score
This is one of the funnier threads out there. And I think we have a lot to thank Arath for that. His site and such is just a joke like realultimatepower. It is obvious that he is not taking this seriously. If he were, he would not only be a fraud, but the dumbest one ever.


Senior Master
Jan 24, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
as a result of my first post (and only one other than this), someone "dinged" me with an annoymous negative rep point for laughing at this...individual (see, I'm restraining myself by not calling him any condescending [though probably accurate] names. I'm also not commenting on the cowardice of annonymous "sniping" :D). After 8 pages of nonsense, I believe I was right in my initial judgement as to the *ahem* legitimacy of this person and his "enterprise."

AFAIC, we should just let this thread die. We can all go back to discussing real martial-arts, and Arath can go back to drinking his ninja koolaid.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Mod Note

This thread has pretty much run its course. At this time, it is being closed.

Mike Slosek
MT Supermod
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