Giving it away

Do you give away techniques to outsiders

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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Greetings All..

Do you sometimes give away little tastes of your discipline to those outside the MA community?? I have and do..The last person I showed a few moves was so impressed that the next time I saw him he was a 2nd Dan in Kempo..
Little snippets shown to others sometimes are a great way of getting new students in the dojo...
At a Christmas party I spent time teaching my female cousins and Nieces a simple wrist escape
when I heard one say that her boyfriend grabbed her and wouldn't let her go and was going to drag her outside..
I have friends who ask for basic self-defense information all the time... I guess that counts!
Little snippets shown to others sometimes are a great way of getting new students in the dojo...
how true

Also i consider most self-defense classes to be technique give away to non members

I have friends who ask for basic self-defense information all the time... I guess that counts!

Yep..May these seeds of wisdom take root and inspire them forward..
I often do, when they ask or even just look interested.
also, from time to time I will leave the workout area, walk into the spectator area, and start working a technique with a spectator if they appear really interested in what we are doing.
They are surprised, think it's funny, learn a technique, and sometimes end up joining!
I have shown friends of my kids some rudimentary techniques before they started college, and have done a couple of self defense classes for women.
I have in the past, in my empty-hand days, shown techniques to non-MA people.

There was a lot less general knowledge about "Kung Fu" (as everyone called all martial arts back then) and it was a very good way to show people that, no, it wasn't TV BS but actually was useful for dealing with nasty situations.

I don't know if this counts but on Sunday I shall be teaching, if all goes to plan, simple iaido kata to complete novices with no previous background in MA - Sensei has advertised an open seminar for local people who don't know anything about swordwork but who may be interested in learning.

Could be either an uplifting or a difficult day depending on who we get through the door.
Little snippets shown to others sometimes are a great way of getting new students in the dojo...

Ha! You've shown me whole belt techniques from white to 2nd brown there lil' lady :lol: mwaha ha ha ha now I know it all... but would probably still get my butt kicked if I tried taking you on. :D (giggles)

I've shown a bit here and there when someone asks about my other pursuits and I say (depending upon the person asking) Martial Arts and you get the typical .. "oh? what style? can you show me a bit of something?"
I typically show them only one tech and that's when someone has you by both lapels and is holding you against the wall, you do a gentle downward pressure on the sides of their knee with your foot and they're off balance and ready to get their butt kicked.
The style I say I study is simply JKDI and when asked "what's that?" I usually answer: "...ohh, a bit of this and a bit of that... batman's head on a lance..."
Yes, I don't mind at all showing someone a little something. Like mentioned previously, it may open a person's eyes to some of the many benefits that arts have to offer ... if nothing else, it's usually a great conversation and sometimes ice breaker.
I only show material to help those non martial artists who have a real interest in defending themselves or others. I will never demonstrate any of my material as a form of entertainment for non martial artists.
I haven't, largely because when I've been asked to "show somebody something" they have wanted to know more than what I was capable of teaching. I've walked through basic defense moves that anyone can do (such as tossing a hot cup of coffee on an assailant) and discussed some things to improve situational awareness instead. :)
In a social setting, no. On rare occasion I've been asked, "Show us some of your moves." Personally I don't care for that; anymore than I would ask an artist to draw me something on the spot.

I'll demonstrate technique in a proper demonstration, where I know whom I'm working with. But is with the caveat that I am demonstrating, not teaching. For me anyway, teaching takes place in the dojo.
Ha! You've shown me whole belt techniques from white to 2nd brown there lil' lady :lol: mwaha ha ha ha now I know it all... but would probably still get my butt kicked if I tried taking you on. :D (giggles)

:rolleyes: Only because you were my "practice dummy" and I needed a warm body to beat up before my belt tests.... My previous post was referring to other people.

- Ceicei
For me it's not about giving anything away. I just completely resent it when people ask me to show them my Gongfu. Not because I am not confident or because I don't like martial arts or even that I'm an arsehole, but because you always get after comments like: "If you do that, then I'll do this."

Now I just reply to them: "Sure, if one of you cares to sacrifice their life for me to demonstrate." This is followed by silent respect.
I teach basic self defense moves with a lot of emphasis on situational awareness to non-MA. If running is an option it's your best option.

If they have some martial arts background I show them different ways of attacking using their own style/system (assuming I am familiar in their style). They have been generous in sharing their styles with me as well, so it's a nice exchange of techniques and thinking in new ways for old moves.

If they have been in the MA for awhile then we share combos by sparring.

Usually I am the listener and a constant student.

Unless asked not to teach a certain material I am open with my knowledge.
I only show material to help those non martial artists who have a real interest in defending themselves or others

That's what I'm talking about

LawDog said:
I will never demonstrate any of my material as a form of entertainment for non martial artists.

Same here...
I do sometimes, but very little. The thing is, unless someone really trains, showing them a technique is nearly a fruitless endeavor. They often don't retain it.
For me it's not about giving anything away. I just completely resent it when people ask me to show them my Gongfu. Not because I am not confident or because I don't like martial arts or even that I'm an arsehole, but because you always get after comments like: "If you do that, then I'll do this."

Now I just reply to them: "Sure, if one of you cares to sacrifice their life for me to demonstrate." This is followed by silent respect.

I used to get this crap a lot when i was doing private practice at a local gym's aerobics room - one guy in particular came up and woudn't stop hassling me to "show him something". He said "what would you do if i was really threatening to hurt you?" I said "do you really want to know?" Of course, he says, so i walked over to the door and told one of the gym staff that he was interrupting my training and behaving in a threatening manner. They asked him to leave the gym. Not quite what he had in mind i'm sure... :shrug:

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