Getting Scoped next Tuesday 1.9.07

I wish you the best in care and a speedy recovery brother.
Just let us know if they attached your knee to you *** or not!
Just let us know if they attached your knee to you *** or not!

Jeff—if it were me, and they did that, I'd never in a million years admit to it... so we're probablly not gonna find out!
MRI, EKG, Bone Scan, X-Rays and consults were all done today. The actual surgery is at 6 am Friday morning the 12th. So in three days, sorry.

Anyway, it will be a; cut, clean, tear, separate, pad and stitch back together event. Hopefully it will all go well. The orthopedic surgeon I talked to today that is going to do the surgery told me that I would in best case be an outpatient ordeal. No class for at least a week.

I have already told all in the org., with whom I chatter with at least once a week that I will go and help keep score, time and bracketts at our tournament on the 27th of Jan.

Thank you everyone for all your kindness in your posting, with exception to the Army Doggie JJ. Hahahahaha, jk.

Thanks again fellow martial artists and I will let you all know what I know after the scoping Friday.
My prayers are with you Matt. Hang in there and I hope it all goes well. :asian:
No class for at least a week.

Matt—that actually sounds like great news! If the order of magnitude for being out of action is something your doctors are talking about in term of weeks (at most), rather than months, it's an indication that they anticipate a relatively quick recovery.

On to Friday—and keep us posted when you can; many people here are concerned (not worried—just concerned! :) )
I'm prayin' for quick surgery & quick healing tomorrow, Matt. Think of all the MT time you'll have in your recovery week. You'll be up there with Terry:)
I'm prayin' for quick surgery & quick healing tomorrow, Matt. Think of all the MT time you'll have in your recovery week. You'll be up there with Terry:)

Yea Matt you will be with the elites of MT
MRI, EKG, Bone Scan, X-Rays and consults were all done today. The actual surgery is at 6 am Friday morning the 12th. So in three days, sorry.

Anyway, it will be a; cut, clean, tear, separate, pad and stitch back together event. Hopefully it will all go well. The orthopedic surgeon I talked to today that is going to do the surgery told me that I would in best case be an outpatient ordeal. No class for at least a week.

I have already told all in the org., with whom I chatter with at least once a week that I will go and help keep score, time and bracketts at our tournament on the 27th of Jan.

Thank you everyone for all your kindness in your posting, with exception to the Army Doggie JJ. Hahahahaha, jk.

Thanks again fellow martial artists and I will let you all know what I know after the scoping Friday.

You will be fine Matt. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
All you guys and gals are the cool of the cool. I have about 10 MMA dvd's (UFC an PrideFC to keep me entertained). I have a bunch of stuff on DVR and a nice sized DVD collection. I also have a dorm sized frig and microwave in the basement next to my couch. So, at least I have that.

Thank you for all of the good wishes and I will let you all know exactly what happened tomorrow afternoon.

Last nights TKD class was off the hook, we did 3 technique down and back light contact sparring. I told everyone that I was bringing the doom. Many chuckles followed, anyways GM said, "Yeah as long as you get popped on the left side you are having it worked on Fri anyway so you have nothing to lose." I will be out for at least two weeks of tkd class, they don't even want me bending my left knee.

I laughed so hard I lost my mouthpiece. More to come guys and gals.

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