Getting married or moving in with a partner will make you fat, new research shows.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
Getting married or moving in with a partner will make you fat, new research shows.

Couples who live together are more than twice as likely to become obese than those who live separately, new research shows. EXCERPT:

By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Published: 7:00AM BST 12 Jun 2009
The study to be published next month in the journal Obesity also showed that the risk of obesity rises the longer people live together.
Penny Gordon-Larsen, associate professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, found some positive health benefits to marriage, including decreased cigarette smoking and lower mortality.
But she added: "We also see greater weight gain than in others of the same age, and greater risk of obesity.
"Maybe the cause of weight gain is not just age, but the pressure of shifting behaviours that result in weight gain."
She said people living together – married or not – tended to eat meals together, possibly cooking bigger meals or eating out more often than they did when they were single.

Reminds me of the old joke:

Q What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife?
A Forty pounds
I can't believe people get paid to study this stuff. I could have told them that. When I was single, the only food I had in my house was beer and peanut butter. So yeah, I ate a lot more and gained quite a bit of weight when my (now) wife and I got together.
My husband and I call it "the Love Pudge." Happens to just about everybody.
So after twenty years of marriage the truth comes out, it was nor medical or old age but rather the wife to blame for m,e being over wieght. Wai till I tell her this...:lfao::lfao::lfao:
Uh ... doesn't everyone, when asked to display their wedding ring, point to their midsection? :uhoh:
Amen. I have never been what you'd call fat, but when my girlfriend and I started living together, the pounds accumulated.
We feed you because we love you, or because we need somewhere to hide the arsenic. ( oh hush, Almond cookies are suppose to taste like Almonds):ladysman:
Definitely true. My family and I call it "happy weight". Empty Hands and I both gained more than 50lbs after we got together.

Luckily we've both managed to take it back off! :D
Definitely true. My family and I call it "happy weight". Empty Hands and I both gained more than 50lbs after we got together.

Luckily we've both managed to take it back off! :D
Was that 50 pounds collectively or individually?? :lol:

I doubt that if I get married (WHEN-EVER!!) that I will pack on the pounds. For one, my current job keeps me walking an average of 3+miles a day. 2. My favorite activity (next to MA) is caving and if ANYONE has gone caving like the way I go caving (see signature link about pics below) then you KNOW you're not going to gain from anything you ate the week before.

True you do find yourself at the dinner table more often than the fast-food counter when you get married and you've not a reason to go out as often as you like BUT it's still not a valid reason for people gaining weight, it's just becoming complacent and not being as active as you were when single.
Yet some couple don't gain because they remain physically active (out side the bedroom... and anywhere else they might like to *ahem* enjoy each other's company... alone). So whose fault is it? To me it's the person packing the pounds on.
Heck a simple family walk around the block after dinner each night (during good weather of course) will do wonders for everyone. ... in more ways than one.

When you get married your life changes (it better or you are heading for a divorce one day.)

Part of that change is a more fixed routine. That includes eating. And when you eat with your wife, and she cooks good, I can say you will get midrif buldge unless you work out quite often (and I do.)

When I was single, I did my own thing. Ate when I felt like it. But once married, I can say I have eaten far better than when I was single.

Yes, you give up some things when you settle down, but you gain so much more (and that includes weight.)

Getting married or moving in with a partner will make you fat, new research shows.

Sharing that information with your spouse will make you dead. No research needed.

Reminds me of the old joke:

Q What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife?
A Forty pounds

And my wife would reply:

Q: What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband?
A: Forty minutes.
Sharing that information with your spouse will make you dead. No research needed.
I know. That is why I don't have one. Sharing it with women in general is also hazardous, which is why I am happy none of you know where I live...
And my wife would reply:

Q: What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband?
A: Forty minutes.
This is one of the funniest threads I've read yet, but I have to be honest in that it definitely reinforces my reluctance to be in a relationship.
Getting married or moving in with a partner will make you fat, new research shows.

Couples who live together are more than twice as likely to become obese than those who live separately, new research shows.
Sure worked for me!!
Now add 'the college 50'...:rpo:

On the bright side, divorce is an instant diet. A person can shed 180 lbs in one day. LOL!
I can't believe people get paid to study this stuff. I could have told them that. When I was single, the only food I had in my house was beer and peanut butter. So yeah, I ate a lot more and gained quite a bit of weight when my (now) wife and I got together.
Quite the opposite for me. When I was in Boston for 4 months for work, I was eating toast with honey and beer... ended up gaining almost 20 lbs and was the heaviest I've ever been. I was pushing the scales at about 230 lbs.