18-year old charged in Florida cat mutilations

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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I recall reading somewhere that many serial killers begin by performing animal mutilations. I hope that this kid will get help and not go down that path.


MIAMI (AP) — A teenager faces charges in a gruesome string of cat mutilations and killings that have horrified his neighbors and shaken animal lovers in two South Florida communities.
Tyler Hayes Weinman, 18, was charged Sunday with 19 counts each of animal cruelty and improperly disposing of an animal body and four counts of burglary related to the deaths.
In the past month, residents in the Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay neighborhoods have reported finding the bodies of more than two dozen cats. Police said some were likely killed by dogs. Some were missing fur — neighbors said some had been skinned — and appeared to have been cut with a sharp, straight instrument, police said.
I recall reading somewhere that many serial killers begin by performing animal mutilations. I hope that this kid will get help and not go down that path.

Yeah it is likely, that this kid was seeking some sort of sick gratification by doing that and that over time he would not find it met and move on to humans ... or he's just simply at a sadistic phase and will grow out of it.
Hard to say... but definitely he needs help.
I am an animal lover so I think the help he needs is may years behind bars.
More than likely he would progress to illing or maiming humans in the future.
Everyone here in Miami is glad they caught him. But alot of people do not think he did it alone. We are all stunned at his age(18) comes from a decent home. This happened in Palmetto Bay(I use to work there) and Cutler Ridge(Noone calls it Cutler Bay we use its old name Ridge)
The State Attorney is going to hit him with everything shes got.

In my area there is a person poisoning cats and has killed 8 already we are all on the look out for him too.

On a happier note I found a baby kitten who I am nursing,
I recall reading somewhere that many serial killers begin by performing animal mutilations. I hope that this kid will get help and not go down that path.

Yes, mutilating the remains of animals, or torturing them, is part of the profile. Jeffrey Dahmer dissected animal remains that he had found, including putting the head of a dog on a stake. That and fire starting are big red flags.
Even tho I am no cat lover, I think torturing and mutilating any animal is wrong. Kids got something wrong upstairs. Don't see how anyone can take pleasure in something like that.
Just a matter of time before peolpe were his next target. Like chasing that high.
This kid is a sick ****, plain and simple! The kid needs help and some jail time. Then again, you have to wonder....was he doing this prior to 18yrs of age, or what he doing it for many years but only now someone noticed what he was doing?

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