Funny vs Racist

One wrote, "attempted." And since the medium is words, the way you use words has effects.

Similarly, in a comic strip, images and words have real effects.
robertson (hey, I had to replace "one" with somethin') would hope so, otherwise there'd be no point in protecting speech, right?

I'm just wondering how posting a message on an online forum, even something as offensive as "***** you, you ****ing ****" is any form of bullying. Bullying kinda implies some type of force or influence that the victim can't avoid, which I'm not seeing on a message board where you can easily hit the "ignore" button.
RandomPhantom700 said:
Bullying kinda implies some type of force or influence that the victim can't avoid, which I'm not seeing on a message board where you can easily hit the "ignore" button.

From, a bully is someone that is habitually cruel, overbearing, or behaves aggressively or via intimidation. None of this implies an inability to avoid influence.

The term is perfectly applicable to the sort of rhetoric used by those on both sides of the political spectrum that are incapable of actual argument who instead fall back on insult, vague reference, and personal attack. We see it more and more commonly these days from pseudo-conservatives as their media attack machine pushes aside the conservative intellectual traditional, but don't think for a second that liberals aren't also perfectly capable of it... the PETA thread addresses a common instance.
PeachMonkey said:
From, a bully is someone that is habitually cruel, overbearing, or behaves aggressively or via intimidation. None of this implies an inability to avoid influence.

The term is perfectly applicable to the sort of rhetoric used by those on both sides of the political spectrum that are incapable of actual argument who instead fall back on insult, vague reference, and personal attack. We see it more and more commonly these days from pseudo-conservatives as their media attack machine pushes aside the conservative intellectual traditional, but don't think for a second that liberals aren't also perfectly capable of it... the PETA thread addresses a common instance.
So therefore Professor Robert McRobertson is a Bully.
Vedy Gud Sah!.

Oh and Bubby-One-Can-Bully? A read through of the majority of your posts on those subjects will illustrate my points easily. I do not need to quote, reference, etc. Do a search here in The Study, for posts made by "rmcrobertson", and read the ones dealing with those topics I referred to. It will be clear. Say what you wish, your own bigotry and prejudices shine clearly. I'm done. You "Not-Da-One" can have the last "turd" in the "poop-fest".
That's all you've got? That's it? A silly deformation of a name, a cheap piece of Gunga-Din-English, a cheesy play on Obi Wan, a claim that you don't need to know what you're talking about or have actual facts, a bit of personal insult, and an assertion that you're taking your football and going home?

One explanation: projection. Freud. Blame the other guy for our own foibles. You know...."Whatever you say aboiut me sticks to you, nyahh nyah nyah nyah nyah."

Did you have anything to say about the topic? One admits their endless fascination for others--but...the topic?
Robert. Can *we* continue the discussion without it degenerating into a tirade concerning "personal attacks", etc.? I think Bester is simply frustrated with your bobbing and weaving around the topic with him.

I find it frustrating to read your posts when you do that because you -- and Bester -- and others have far more to offer than puerile insults. (He hit me. No - he hit me first.)

Play nice, boys. Please?

I'm sorry I have to speak to you in public posts but you don't accept pms -- I understand that, I think.
Well, I certainly see your point--it's pretty much mine, with a bit of reasonable exasperation added in. I also agree that I can at times be quite stubborn, and pedantic, and, "YEAH!? Well, mine is...BIGGER!! than yours." I'm a guy; what can I say?

The reason I don't accept PMs is this: given what just writing on this Forum attracts, I don't care to have to read hostile, mean-spirited ignorant crap on my very own mail. I prefer to keep it on somebody else's sidewalk (never let them follow you home, I've found, is a good basic self-defense rule)--that of Mr. Hubbard and the other folks who are nice enough to run the Forum and ride heard.

I also confess to a bad habit of getting pissed when a discussion and/or argument starts, I write something, and the next thing I know, the topic becomes Robert. Beyond my bad habits and stupidities and stubbornnesses (which go deep), it looks to me like a) some guys can't hang with the discussion, so they resort to the Internet equivalent of a punch; b) some guys don't know HOW to argue, so they think the personal attacks are OK; c) some guys have grown up in a world where public discourse is dominated by the likes of Dan Quayle and Howard Stern, so they think that aggressive personal attacks on everybody different ARE the way to argue and discuss; d) some guys are so brainwashed by Limbaugh, Pat Robertson et al that they react to fantasies about "liberals," (of which I am not one) and "Stalinists," (even weirder) and don't even see what I write; e) some guys are so hooked to a consumerist culture that they think there's a simple answer to everything and can't be bothered to actually sit down and take the time to learn.

On this last point, by the way--looks to me like we're seeing this a lot in martial arts--lots of folks in American kenpo are so busy, advancing," that they can't throw a punch or a kick--why? Well, to do that takes a lot and a lot of plain drudgery--or what can be experienced as drudgery, if you don't seee what you're doing.

And cap it all off with a soupcon of anti-intellectualism (which is partly why Kerry lost--he refused to stop talking like a damn college professor, which is kinda good, but...), et VOILA!: le crappy discussion.

Then there's the dick-waving. And while guilty of that more than once, myself, believe me, we do NOT wanna get into a discussion of just why it is that my stupid little posts so often elicit adjectives like, "quaint," and bizarre interpretations of what I actually wrote...

Among the interpretations of THIS post, for example, we'll probably be seeing a combo of attempts to seize onto what're seen as weaknesses, claims about What I Must Have Meant, assertions that I'm jusst claiming perfection, the odd political insult...

Oh well. In my considered opinion, what I REALLY need to learn how to do is explain once, then drop it, trust the sensible to take the point, and let the others take care of themselves. I'd cheerfully paddle about in the SF references, but I get pissed about the personal insults--which I pretty much don't make, despite occasional screwups.

For example: all I really said on this thread was that individuals do not get to determine the meanings of words and images however they wish. There're these realities called, "culture," and, "history," and, "language," and when we talk and think, we are stuck with most of their constructs. To that, I'd add that it's idealist to claim that our society isn't in any way racist, unfortunately--and that the claim about, "reverse racism," is one of the basic ways that us white guys express our frustrations with a changed and changing world.

Oh well. Now, back to the, "one."
Bester said:
So therefore Professor Robert McRobertson is a Bully.
I'm sorry you feel that Robert's ability to outdiscuss most of his opponents is tantamount to "bullying".
Robert, I knew you'd say pretty much what you did, and you make a couple of really good points, as always. (*One,too* refuses to buy into the concept of your *dark* side...) Howard Stern. Now there's a bone of contention. We even have pretenders to being Howard, toos, around here -- a couple of really local guys named Opie and Anthony who used to be widely heard on the radio, including their WOW campaign (whip 'em out Wednesday, where those of us on the *distaff* side were expected to, well, er, whip 'em out -- I guess the feminine equivalent of the wiener wave.) Needless to say, one has too search to find them anywhere on the bandwidth these days, although I'm told they're still around. Even the djs I listen to on my way to work have crossed a certain line at times with the discussion and call-ins (e.g., who's the hottest member of your family who you'd "do"). I'm not a morning person, but they manage to wake me up because I have to steer my car out of the path of oncoming traffic at times. In sum, a long-winded *one, too* agrees.

As to the instant gratification aspect of American Kenpo -- not in my school, sir. Anything but.

PS - It's still too bad you don't accept pms from certain people. I could name at least a half dozen who'd be excellent correspondents for you -- and I think you know who they are, too.
PeachMonkey said:
I'm sorry you feel that Robert's ability to outdiscuss most of his opponents is tantamount to "bullying".
Outdiscuss? Wear out by continuingly muddying the water, bringing up unrelated material and otherwise driving off a great deal of those who might be interested in said topic.

If the PMs and 'rep' comments I've gotten are any example, others here are also tired of his ways.

Case in point: Kaith tried to discuss the legality of the concept of secession. Robert continually tried to stear it into a discussion of the War of Northern Agression. He continued to do so despite several attempts by Mr. Hubbard to keep that thread focused on the concept of secession. Right now, 2 cities/villiages/whatever in Vermont are trying to secede to NH. But that discussion cannot take place without Professor McRobertsons taking shots at honored dead, and a cause long since lost. I have a life, am currently busy beyond belief, and simply do not have the time to sit here, sift through dozens of comments to find each incident of his bullying. I am sorry if that is seen as an "evasion", projection, or whatever.

Professor McRobertson, I started this thread. I spoke my piece. That was my contribution. I have attempted to add detail or expansion where I saw fit, and to otherwise expand on the ideas and comments of my fellow posters. Despite our disagreement on some points, I admit you have done the same. It is only when you muddy the water and attempt to "browbeat" others into seeing your side that I take exception. On many things, we agree. In this and a few other threads, we do not. For my own part in the slinging of slights, insults and other such barbs, I do apologize. For my own contributions to those issues, I apologize. I have said the majority of what I wished to say, and I am now moving on to other issues. I do not feel I can add any more to the topic of this thread.

Good Day.
Come on Bester..if youve ever been in College you know that the Professor is "always right"...right? ;)

Just glad im not getting a report card here. :)
Why am I not surprised that "the Professor is always right" is now the childish perjorative? Far easier than countering the points brought up.
PeachMonkey said:
Why am I not surprised that "the Professor is always right" is now the childish perjorative? Far easier than countering the points brought up.
Yes, I think that everyone would benefit from sticking to the topic.
PeachMonkey said:
Why am I not surprised that "the Professor is always right" is now the childish perjorative? Far easier than countering the points brought up.
Oh get a sense of humor will ya....Robert is obviously capable of defending himself. :)

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