funny butt sick


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
Hey I just wanted to posted this and maybe see if this has ever happend to any one else. Ok my teacher wanted me to take some of the green belts and work with them on some ground work. So I had one kid grab me in a leg lock and I was going to show how to escape, as I showed how to escape from the move the kid fart on me right durning the escape. So I guess I scared the crap out of him lol but any way

Has anyone else ever been farted on in Martial arts? :idunno:
There was a young kid at our club once who was farting for every punch...

Hilariously funny, but not too good for discipline... (or the environment:fart: )
I was proforming a kata (That was quite difficult) Anywho...I was at a difficult part in the kata......and...I couldn't stop laughing........Needless to say....I started over, andl proformed it properly after that...but a funny situation for everyone....but sometimes you just have to laugh that kind of stuff off.
When I saw the title of this thread I thought that "butt" was a misspelling, guess not....
A good fart can be good for class morale, provide its not taken so serious by the Instructor . :flame:
In our school we refer to that technique as Tiger Breaks Wind!

It can leave you alone on the mat, though.

Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute
it happened to me. We were working in groundwork and as I squatted down to get into someone's guard, it just kinda popped out. Embarrassing and funny. But the guy who I was working with said now that I had let this out he could go ahead himself and balme me for the future ones. Depending on the potency, great self defense. LOL
At some point or another everyone lets their chi flow a little...

Getting stacked in guard is a common time for a little toot...
My Instructor was demonstrating a technique and we were still doing it in the air and I farted this is when I was a blue belt. We thenturned around and said we were not moving on to breaking wind until we mastered the technique we were on first.


This has happened to every single person in my school at one point or another. The guys usually laugh it off, but the women get embarrassed by it. That's what makes it funny. I just laugh and tell them to forget it. If that's the most embarrasing moment they'll ever have, they should consider themselves lucky.

*Slightly off topic:
Last week at the very end of our promotion test, I had everyone stand up and face the flag. As they did, my lip stuck and I ended up saying "Face the Fag!". Along with the other 70-80 people there, sabumnim just turned around, stared at me and started laughing too. THAT was embarrassing.
Okay sorry, just had to share (No reference to any sexual orientation intended).

*On topic
This has happened to me when doing groundwork. Also, during my 4 year stint as a pro wrestler, I used to fart in the ring all the time. Something about getting powerbombed used to knock the wind (pun intended) right out of me.

it happens, when little kids are around it normaly starts a few giggles, when the adults are around its just left to be. Iv dont it (neve on someone) but while presenting a form that was bad i had noone to blame it on lol but its a bodly function adn sometimes cant be ignored or just slips away from ya
There's nothing quite like your partner squeaking one out during north south position during grappling...and you're on bottom and can't break out.


hardheadjarhead said:
There's nothing quite like your partner squeaking one out during north south position during grappling...and you're on bottom and can't break out.


Talk about a added "move" for submission
Nanalo74 said:
This has happened to me when doing groundwork. Also, during my 4 year stint as a pro wrestler, I used to fart in the ring all the time. Something about getting powerbombed used to knock the wind (pun intended) right out of me.

Boy, talk about Windy The Pooh! :lol:

I've done it but mine usually end up being the ninja type ... silent but deadly... Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha..
We had a red belt at my school a couple years ago (I was a yellow belt in TKD at the time) that farted ALL the time during stretching. Something about the V-stretch that made him "rip one." The first time he did it, I was in line behind him and he let one go. Man! Did it stink!

I let one rip a few times, as well as others in my school. But I think my boyfriend does it on purpose sometimes LOL. I was standing next to him when he let one go (we were in ready stance just before doing a kicking combo up and down the floor). I looked at him in the mirror and he just bursted out laughing LOL.

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