Fundraising for schools



I have recently been presented with an opportunity to help many, many schools with a fundraising opportunity. I assure you it is perfectly legal, and extremely easy. For anyone wishing more info please contact me at [email protected]

Hope to hear from many of you soon.
I have had several emails from members of this forum and I hope the reply was sufficient for them.

In a nut shell I work for an Authorized dealer for ADT security systems. We give away secuirty systems to home owners and businesses. We install the systems for free as well. I have been hooking up with various sports and community organizations for them to give my information package to their memebers. Every time a memeber of the organization/association or in this case martial arts school takes a system I make a donation to the school. Currently I am givivng $50.00 Canadian to schools in Ontario Canada for each system taken by a school member.

The amount I pay varies from province to province and from state to state, becuase our commission rate varies form place to place. I am giving one third of my commission to the organization for handing out my information package and I take care fo the rest ofthe work.

I hope that clears things up for many of you and I hope to hear from many more of you. If you would like more information about the commission rate for your area and to get affiliated with this unique fundraiser please email me directly at [email protected]
My Lord we done everything from car washes to selling cookie dough, last year we raffle a 50 inch plasma flat screen that was given to us and this Holiday season we are raffling two Movado watches his and her Museum pieces. We always try to raise monies for the one that can't afford tournaments, just a way to give back to those in need.