Marital arts charity exposition for victims of 911


Ms J

To the members of

Below is a link to an address for a fundraising event, an associate in the FMA is trying to organize a marital arts charity exposition (self-defense demonstrations~ workshops, etc.) the event is to raise funds for our fallen heroes' children of the World Trade Center attack of 9-11-01. The event is being organized by: Detective Richard Vazquez, of the (NYPD).

One of the things he has asked for is marketing and to have help spread the word, the first link on this page:
goes to a letter that was posted by Detective Vazquez. The direct link to the letter is here:

I am stuck at home this next 6 weeks recovering from surgery so I need to market as much as I can on line. As soon as they, pic dates and start to organize the program I have offered to do the desktop publishing and flyers for marketing the program.

Detective Vazquez will be sending me their graphics and so forth soon, I would like to ask the members here to have a look at his letter, if your interested in helping please contact Detective Vazquez, all of his contact information can be found on his letter.

I would also ask the members here to help market his letter and send out the address to others that you might know that would be interested in some how helping with the event.

Thank you,

Ms. J…

PS I also understand Detective Vazquez and Guro J. Vazquez hold a Kali seminar in NY City each Sunday.

Unfortunetly, I sort of have to hang out here for 6 weeks before I can go...

Sadly, no. And all of the links appear to be dead.
