
Really enjoyed your link. I liken what is said there to having to punish one of my children. Doesn't make me popular with them but it will protect them in the long run.

Question: Why do so many of the demonstrations against war turn violent? Does this not directly contradict what the protesters are protesting?

Um, because they're French?

No, no, seriously... Because they are too busy drinking wine and eating fattening food that is far too overpriced?

No, really... Because they are too busy being condescending and uppity?

Okay, all kidding aside... Because they're French?

*insert small amount of anti-French bitterness here*

To quote Gen. Patton from WWII, "I'd rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me." And that was 50 years ago...

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Um, because they're French?

No, no, seriously... Because they are too busy drinking wine and eating fattening food that is far too overpriced?

No, really... Because they are too busy being condescending and uppity?

Okay, all kidding aside... Because they're French?

*insert small amount of anti-French bitterness here*

To quote Gen. Patton from WWII, "I'd rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me." And that was 50 years ago...


Yup, I've lost a lot of respect for the french. You would think that they'd be there to lend us a hand, maybe stand by us, but, ...NO!!! :mad:

I don't want to get political, but, no matter what, who's always going to be there to save the Gallics, uh, in all probability the Americans... :shrug:
but than again.. the french did sell iraq satalite photoes of the region prior to the invasion of kuwait, they also sold them the radar cross sections for their fighters so when they offered them to the (first) coalition they were totaly useless and thus weren't implamented..

As to protesters getting violant, it deppends, I tink some people who are protesting are just realy angery in genneral, and when you are angery you lash out, and when you see cops beating others you get all pissed (wether or not you know why they are hitting someone) than there are also people who go to those things just to cause trouble (anyone remember the WTO riot thig in seattle?)

As to the first atricle, I liked it. It was writen from a perspective that I could never know as I am to young. Actualy, I have always kind have wondered why france was given a perminant eat on the security council, I mean after WWII it could easily be argued that the danish assisted in the war effort more than the french did..

As to the second one, I think the argument is not very good, the analogy of the currant situation to world wars I and II is falty, iraq does not have the capability to develop a threat to the united states or to any other nations that do not directly boarder it, and even then it would only be a minor one and some sort of an act of desperation. When hitler re-militerised the Rhineland it gave him the industrialability to build a powerfull military, I would consider the invasion of kuwait to be a more accurate analogy, but we did stop him there, since than the nation has been under very heavy economic sanctions, to the point that they can't even import things like sewage treatment facilities, they have been smugaling oil out of the country but they don't have the economic power to build a military, and they don't have the capability to obtain that economic power. The argument of a rouge nuke is a pour one, I havn't seen any evidence of such a capability, I would worry more about a north korean nuke being stationed in an american city than an iraqi weapon. a biological or chemical device yes, but not a nuclear weapon. Further more what is so diffrent now than 12 years ago, or 1 year ago or 2? There is no new evidence that has come to light in my opinion to warrant a comparison to WWII or the thret germany posed europe there.
What many fail to realize is that peace is not the absence of war, it is the presence of justice. There are times when those who take their honor seriously must fight. Cause good people must stand up for what is right. Sometimes you must fight evil. It is dirty work, but that is what a real man does.

When a man has people fed into a plastic shredder. When a man has women raped and children beaten to intimidate their families. When a man has people gassed because of the particular religion or skin tone. All of these above are enough in and of itself.

I saw a post elsewhere that mentioned 26 justifications for going to war. Basically it boils down to the fact that Sadaam is just an evil prick and needs(needed?) killing. If he were alive and in my sights I would not hesitate to pull the trigger.


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Umm perhaps France opposes the war because its against their national security interests.
Kung-Fu Tze (Confucius) put it succintly; "To see what is right and not do it is want of courage."

It's time to be rid of Hussein. Better to take him and his regime out now before they unleash chemical/biological weapons in our own nation.

Then we need to go to Korea and kick some serious ***
He's used WMD on the Kurds and some other minorities over there..I think he was doing that prior to Desert Storm and kept doing it afterwards as well.
Originally posted by yilisifu
He's used WMD on the Kurds and some other minorities over there..I think he was doing that prior to Desert Storm and kept doing it afterwards as well.

And if I remember correctly, he also had his troops savagely slaughter his citizens in Southern and Northern Iraq following Desert Storm when they rose up against his rule. It was believed that the insurrection would be supported by the US, but the help never came so the Iraqi military had free murderous reign on their own citizens... :(
I believe the 'gas' issue was shown to be Iranian gas and the Kurds were caught in the middle.

That said, it is 1 item on a list of (conservatively) dozens.

and yes Gou..shes hot. :) and, not french. :)
Originally posted by sweeper
when did he do this?

I have seen the videos of the aftermath of one of his attacks on the Kurds in 1988. Bodies of children across the ground curled up and turning bluish greyish colors. You see even a little bit of that and it is enough to convince you. On that piece of evidence alone, it is enough to make Saddam killable for my moral and religious convictions.

Below are links that tunred up in a search.

And the most disturbing, sad, and enraging site below. Read it and weep, and I mean that you will weep when you see the pictures on the site. It is very touching to that which is the core of honor and decency(A warrior fights to protect innocents such as these). I was going to post pictures, but it just would not be right. Look and know true horror. Not some second rate feeling from some movie, but true horror. Know the face of evil, know.

As for it being iranian weapons, that is debatable. I would say more evidence indicates it was Iraqi weapons, but that is just my opinion.
Both sides used gas during the Iran IRaq war. THe Iranians emptied the gas pipelines and punched holes in them. When the Iraqis marched near the pipelines, the Iranians pumped poison gas into them! lol

And the Iraqis returned the favour by putting high voltage lines into the wet land and marshes. When the Iranians marched through, the Iraqis turned on the juice. Buzz!! Fried Persians by the bucket! lol

They are quite a creative bunch!
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Both sides used gas during the Iran IRaq war. THe Iranians emptied the gas pipelines and punched holes in them. When the Iraqis marched near the pipelines, the Iranians pumped poison gas into them! lol

And the Iraqis returned the favour by putting high voltage lines into the wet land and marshes. When the Iranians marched through, the Iraqis turned on the juice. Buzz!! Fried Persians by the bucket! lol

They are quite a creative bunch!

Some of those wacky guys are truly hardcore sadists. They're no holds barred. Sort of like anything you can do I can do better... :eek:

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