f'n b*t**, i hate them



damn, my friend is in a coma right now because he was kicked when he was on the floor. i wasnt there, but from what i heard, he got into a fight, and was kicked in the head and body numerous times when he was down. EVEN WHEN HE WAS KNOCKED OUT.

wat the hell is this. y do people kick wen someones down?!!
We are required by law to esculate or deesculate force as appropriate to the threat. Someone on the ground and unconcious is no longer a threat. Anything beyond that point is unjustifiable. I'm very sorry about your friend and will put him in prayer. Take care.
MTP. I am truely sorry for your friends misfortune. I hope and pray that he will be alright.

But this seems to be the way of the world now. There used to be, to some extent, a code of honor among combatants. Mabey the word honor is wrong, but you know what I mean. Today, nobody has any regard for another life or the law. Sad, very sad commentary for the human race in general. This is a factual reason for all of us to keep training and take whatever skills we may have, to the highest level we can. Peace..........
Really sorry bout your friend MTP......Hope he's okay. But the way the world works I guess :(
I'm sorry to hear about your friends misfortune. A lot of people these days are nothing more than a-hole's.
Was this in your dojo/dojang? If so, somebody needs to be ejected from the school.

If it was on the streets... man, not much can be done to stop that from happening. Hope your friend recovers soon, MTP. I'll pray for him.

That's brutal. I'm sorry. I'll keep good thoughts for your friend- and you.
I've seen my fair share of closed head injuries in the business I'm in...

The primary cause has been unrestrained passengers/drivers in a motor vehicle...the second most common cause was from a fight...

Two families are directly affected by this tragic event...the family of the victim and the family of the "attacker."

One may lose a family member to death, coma, institutionalization.
The other to prison...

Please think before engaging your egos...

I am sorry to here of your friend's unfortunate situation.

I am sorry to hear that, it is a good reason not to fight people though.
Originally posted by chufeng
the second most common cause was from a fight...

Which is another strong reason that I study. A common thing
going on around this area is "curbing" where once the guy is
already knocked out, they put his mouth on a curb, and stomp
on the back of his head, knocking his teeth in. There's no honor
in fighting, at all.

My best wishes go out to your friend. God speed in his recover.
Originally posted by Kirk
Which is another strong reason that I study. A common thing
going on around this area is "curbing" where once the guy is
already knocked out, they put his mouth on a curb, and stomp
on the back of his head, knocking his teeth in. There's no honor
in fighting, at all.

My best wishes go out to your friend. God speed in his recover.

They got that from American History X :(