Fledgling school in Louisville, Kentucky


3rd Black Belt
MTS Alumni
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Cuenca, Ecuador
My name is Mike Casto. I moved to Louisville in October, 2002 and started teaching. Currently I'm teaching in my living room, but hope to get a better, more permanent place within the next six months (after my wife gets the finances sorted out and we've dealt with the taxes).

However, I am currently teaching and if anyone in the area is interested, feel free to contact me.

My website is I.M.P.A.C.T. Academy

It's going. I've got a few students who show up regularly and a few others who plan to show up regularly when their work schedules settle down.

All in all, I'm having fun and sharing good info so I figure I'm doing something right :)

Mike, wish you the best of luck. One of the hardest things to do is to start a school on a limited budget. When the times get a little tight and frustrating, as they will, just stay focused on your training and your commitment to share with other's. These things will see you through.

Originally posted by Disco
Mike, wish you the best of luck. One of the hardest things to do is to start a school on a limited budget. When the times get a little tight and frustrating, as they will, just stay focused on your training and your commitment to share with other's. These things will see you through.


Fortunately, I don't frustrate easily. I'll just keep plugging along the same way I've done all my life. People who want to ride along will and I'll gladly accept the company. People who choose not to ... well, what I do isn't for everyone. It's their choice. In the meantime, I'll keep having fun. When it ceases to be fun, then I'll quit. But after 25 years of fun in the MA, I don't forsee a time when I cease to have fun doing it :)

pesilat said:
Fortunately, I don't frustrate easily. I'll just keep plugging along the same way I've done all my life. People who want to ride along will and I'll gladly accept the company. People who choose not to ... well, what I do isn't for everyone. It's their choice. In the meantime, I'll keep having fun. When it ceases to be fun, then I'll quit. But after 25 years of fun in the MA, I don't forsee a time when I cease to have fun doing it :)

Now it's been a little over a year for you. How is your school doing? Has it grown and relocated to another place besides your living room?

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
Now it's been a little over a year for you. How is your school doing? Has it grown and relocated to another place besides your living room?

- Ceicei

Going well. I'm renting a place now to teach in. It's not much but it's a lot better than my living room - and my wife is very happy to have a living room again :)

I'm actually looking at properties right now. I'm hoping to buy a place that can serve as both home and school - i.e.: a small home with an outbuilding or a two story building where we can live on the 2nd floor and I can teach on the first. Something like that. Have found a few possibilities - but at this point they were all either not close enough to ideal or were too expensive. I figure since I'm looking at buying, I'm going to be picky and get something as close to ideal as I can realistically afford. I figure it's really just a matter of time before something that works comes available. :)

I've got a few hard core regulars and we train 15 - 20 hours / week. Then I've got about 6 guys who've been coming regularly for a couple of months. I don't know if they'll stick around or not - too early to tell. Then I've got a few who have been away for a while due to work or other life situations but who I expect to come back within the next few months.

All in all, though, I've got no real complaints.
