Fitness and martial arts



I've been thinking of getting back into Tae Kwon Doe (I did it for a little while when I was 6 and then quit :shrug: ). I'm 13 now, but I have a wee bit of a gut. I've lost 20 pounds and I consider myself to be in good shape (I do weights, play lots of sports, etc) but I'm wondering how good of shape I should be in to do Tae Kwon Doe.

that depends on the academy or the teacher. they may or may not require alot out of you physically.

i would say that at your age, wrestling or western boxing might be the best thing for you conditioning-wise.

if you want more of a kicking punching thing, than maybe muay thai or a good wushu instructor would be a good bet.

its all inside you buddy
hey guy, welcome to the far as what shape to be in before you start training again, i think the only thing you need is a true and sincere commitment to your art. your teachers will take it from there.........good luck.
You'll be surprised how quicky the wee bit of a gut will melt
away, once you start TKD. And good for your for wanting to
take care of it now. If you decide to live a healthier lifestyle now,
it'll be easier to keep it going as you get older.
You're 13 and you're concerned that you have a wee bit of a gut?"

Unless you have a hereditary condition perhaps you should look into your lifestyle.

I think that it would be a great idea to start any activity that takes you away from the idiot box.

Put down the playstation and turn off the Osbournes. Go outside and play at least.

Yes. Go do Tae Kwon Doe. Go do something for pete's sake!

Congratulations on losing 20 lbs by the way. It's hard to lose weight at any time and starting a healthy active lifestyle with a proper diet is always good to do.
First congrats on lossing 20 lbs. That's an accomplishment in itself especially for someone so young to have the will power to do so. My brother and I both started Kenpo about 1 1/2 yrs. for me and about 1 yr. for him. It has not only helped us both physically but emotionally. We both started off a little "chucky", him more than me, but with the help of those around us we have both started to lose that weight and are feeling better about ourselves. If you have the emotional support of your instructors and those in your class and at home it makes a world of difference on how you see yourself. If going back to TKD isn't your solution, do find something to keep yourself active. An active lifestyle is a long life. Hope this helps.
Originally posted by JTA

I've been thinking of getting back into Tae Kwon Doe (I did it for a little while when I was 6 and then quit :shrug: ). I'm 13 now, but I have a wee bit of a gut. I've lost 20 pounds and I consider myself to be in good shape (I do weights, play lots of sports, etc) but I'm wondering how good of shape I should be in to do Tae Kwon Doe.


Just start, it'll work itself out....

I agree. Just get started. You'll get in shape while you're doing it. It might be tough at first, but that's all a part of the journey.

Good luck.

JTA Sez:
I've been thinking of getting back into Tae Kwon Doe (I did it for a little while when I was 6 and then quit ). I'm 13 now, but I have a wee bit of a gut. I've lost 20 pounds and I consider myself to be in good shape (I do weights, play lots of sports, etc) but I'm wondering how good of shape I should be in to do Tae Kwon Doe.

As has been said by other's in this thread, go for it!! I studied some Jujitsu when I was your age for a few years, then got out of it, what with ranch work and, later Vietnam. I am 53 now, and have just recently gotten into Shaolin Chuanfa. The reason I decided to get back into it was that a few years ago, I was in the hospital for four-and-a-half months. My weight ballooned from 155 pounds to 220 pounds. I am now disabled, having had a mastectomy which left me with very little muscle on my left pectoral region. However, my instructor graciously agreed to work with me. I now have been studying it for awhile and my reaction time is better than ever, my weight is down to 193, my punches are forceful, and I am enjoying myself, immensely!! I have attained a great deal of expertise in the 'arts', and have gotten much of my self-esteem back. I think that you need to possible lose some weight, but if you get back into the martial arts, that will come as part of the benefit of doing the art. You will find that now, when you are young, is the time to get your body in shape and keep it that way. Because, you see, when you get to be my age, it is HARD to lose extra weight and keep it off. I wish you luck, because I feel that you are aware of your body and want to keep it in good shape. Go for it, you'll never regret a moment. :soapbox:
Hey good luck!!!

Just practice hard and ask about anything you don't know or understand. When you start training if you give it your all, you will
lose that gut and get a lot more stronger. Don't even worry about
being overwight, because if you get into TKD you won't be for long.

Thank You

I agree tiger. I do TKD and it's helping me as far as fitness goes. When I started martial arts, I was outta shape, and over weight. I'm not now (well I still have a little winter gut to lose hehehehe) :) Go for it, and do your best.
If you have a good instructor, they won't push you harder than you can handle, but they will push you to your limit. Good instructors understand that not everyone is in top condition when they start martial arts. It takes time and hard work to get there, but I will tell you its a heck of a lot easier than going to a gym. Its not easy to motivate yourself to work out, but personally, when I've got a 6th degree black belt in my face telling me "drop and give me 50" I drop and give him 50 push ups. My instructor is all the motivation I need.
Hey there..

Congrats on the weightloss there buddy... but don't let your weight get the best of you.. if you worry to much about it.. it will win.. if you have a healthy mind and attitude.. you can acomplish anything.. even though you are 13 its hard no to worry.. I was an overweight kid growing up.. and i was never that active.. i was outside.. but did'nt get into sports until i was into my 20's.. and now at 27.. and weighing in at 210 (lost 25lbs myself) i feel as if im in better shape now.. then some people that weigh 110....
with time in your training you will be amazed at what you can do.. I couldn't touch my toes when i started Hapkido in Jan.. but now... will ease i can not only touch my toes. .but the floor and still bend down further... I wish i had the determination at 13 that i do now.. but im not worried.. I won't let myself..

Take care my young friend and I wish you well in your studies.
We all agree go for it. If not TKD then something /anything that will help you lose the weight. Your wish to get yourslef in shape is the main thing. Now find that school and start studying.
You started this post with a question and I can only speak for myslef but I want a progress report from you once in a while so we can hear how your doing and how your classes are.
Best of luck young one you have the right idea and spirit to do great things.

Any activity regularily done which elevates your heart rate is great. Weight loss is a big factor in healthy body self-esteem for heavier persons. Sadly it is often directed at women, which is too bad because I know a lot of heavier women who are just beautiful on the inside and because of their physical appearance many people never get to see it.
Originally posted by GouRonin

. , which is too bad because I know a lot of heavier women who are just beautiful on the inside and because of their physical appearance many people never get to see it.

Gou, I wish there were men like you around where i live...
those were some very nice words. .Makes me feel good..

*big hug*

Thanks again.. careful. I myself like women with a bit of meat on them. Seriously, I used to date waif like supermodels but you're always worried about breaking them when you're feeling... uhh... amorous ya know?

Be careful that you be just reasonable about the weight you lose. I've seen people get fanatical about it. I had a client die a few years ago because of her self imposed diet.
and please don't take any wacky supplements that have ephedra or ma jong in them. They do work, but they can cause SERIOUS heart problems and are banned in many countries. The FDA is trying to ban them here too, but they haven't been able to do so yet. My doctor told me this after I took hydroxycut for a week and nearly landed myself in the emergency room for rapid heartbeat. It was a very, very scary experience. Trust me, its not worth it.

After that little scare, I decided to do the weight loss/fitness thing the old fashioned way, dropped from a size 14 to a size 8, and kept it off for eight months now. I even managed to not gain any weight through christmas and thanksgiving (now that was hard; my mom makes the best christmas cookies!) I made some lifestyle changes. I go to karate at least twice a week, and go to the gym every weekday I don't go to karate. I just can't go home first, because if I walk into my apartment, I tend to stay there, so I have to go straight from work to the gym or the dojo, then I go home after my workout. Makes a huge difference. Keeping it off hasn't been a problem. I've gotten so used to working out that I go a little stir crazy when I don't get my exercise. I also cut out red meat. I eat fish and chicken and sometimes pork, but no beef at all. I also don't eat fried food anymore. That was the hardest part. I love french fries and fried chicken. I've gotten used to it now, and I look at the greasy stuff and it looks really unappetizing. I take vitamins, I eat my veggies, and I feel great. I'd still like to lose a few more pounds, but I'm pretty happy where I'm at, and my guy certainly isn't complaining.

Something interesting to remember...the easier it is to take off the weight, the easier you'll put it back on. the harder it is to lose, like if you just do it with diet and exercise, the more likely it is to stay off. Losing weight isn't easy if you do it the right way. Just remember how much time it took you to put on the weight. Don't expect it to just drop off the second you start dieting. After the first ten pounds, you shouldn't lose more than a pound a week, or you're losing water and muscle instead of fat, and that's not good for you, and you'll gain it back as soon as you start eating right again.

I get friends and relatives coming up to me and asking how I lost the weight, as if there's some kind of magic cure-all thing... Its really amusing to see their faces fall when I tell them it was just diet and exercise...the same thing their doctors have been telling them for years. To lose weight you just have to take in less calories than you burn, but they have to be healthy calories.

best of luck!
