First Martial Arts Injury


Green Belt
Founding Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
As with all things martial arts is a journey. I have come across a small speedbump on this path.

I was testing for my first stripe a few weeks ago and was luckily chosen to be the dummy for the chief tester. I enjoy giving and recieving contact, but due to me being a white belt my exposure has been limited. I took a fair shot to the jaw hinge and did not really give it a second thought. It has been about 3 weeks and I have been having a terrible toothache for about ten days. I make it to the dentist office and am politely informed I need to quit taking shots to the head. **Rambling.....***

My question is what is and were your first injury in martial arts??


Ive never injured myself, but i once tried to do a jump spinning back kick when a new girl in the school was waiting for her lesson, I had just learned it ten minutes ago and was starting to pull it off, so i went all out got way off balance, and fell flat on my back, didnt really hurt anything but a bit of pride.
Besides your usual bruises and bums the occational hyper extended joint that comes from doing martial arts.

Over a year ago my "previous" instructor told us we were doing flying side kicks. We do not do them on a regular basis, anywise about about 20 minute of starting from standing kicks to running at the wave bag, my "previous" instructor placed a pad on the floor and said "Okay now jump over the pad and make contact with the Wavebag". The first two attempts I stopped before the jump not feeling good about it, as I am not a small girl, flying kicks are not my forte. Everyone else encurraged me to go for it. I knew I shouldn't but caved to peer pressure, stupid considering I'm over 30. I jumped I made contact with the bag and landed on my left foot, which was immediately followed by 2 loud and painful "Pops". The result a Anterior Curcet (sp?) Ligament nearly torn in half.

Needless to say Martial Arts was out for quite a while. I'm only now getting back into it, and finding a hard time getting back into the regular training patern.

More serious then some fairly minor to others, but it certainly changed my game plan. :(
I still think you needed to sue, Dot. But as they say, that's between you and your God.

I have had teeth knocked out, eyes blackened, bones fractured, concussions, joints hyperextended, soft tissue injuries, my knuckles on my hands have been re-set and some of my toes are permenantly broken on an angle. I have been knocked unconcious, enough bruises to qualify me as a coloured minority, had my jaw fractured and much more.

A lot of this is my own stupidity in testing my limits. But I have had fun most of the trip so far. I say to people, use your head, I learned the hard way so hopefully I can show people that it wasn't always the smart way.
Gou said.........enough bruises to qualify me as a coloured minority

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is too much.

Much respect Gou


Damn Gou! You sound like train almost as hard as I do :D

Me, I have had both knees operated on (minor stuff, no acl stuff), plenty of bruises and scrapes. I once sliced the back of my left heel open breaking a ceramic roofing tile with a side kick.
Shin splints from doing a lot of jump kicks.
I got a Hematoma(sp) (giant bruise) that so far has been one of the most painful things I ever had. It's been so long I don't even remember my first injury though. If I had to do it all over again I would have done some things different, but not many.


Originally posted by Klondike93

Damn Gou! You sound like train almost as hard as I

You probably train harder than me. I just play hard. Ha ha ha!
Well, it was somewhere around my second month in kenpo and on this particular day in class I was right behind one of the black belts in the technique line. This particular technique ended with a hip throw and I had the pleasure of landing on my back repeatedly. But, for some reason he had a hard time ending with a hip throw and kept hurling me over his shoulder. I kept landing pretty hard and I guess he could tell that it was starting to really hurt so he suggested that we bring out a mat for me to land on, except he was feeling pretty bad about throwing me so hard so he brought out two mats AND folded them in half. So here we are with this insanely thick mat for me to softly land on, so this time he really gives the throw some major "ump" and....... I land half on and half off the mat, (my lower half on the mat to be exact) followed by a very load pop. I could move for a few minutes and the pain was indescribable. Luckily I had absolutely no damage at all, not even a bruise.

I guess if you take into consideration the levels of force, (sting, stun, hurt, injure, maim, and kill) it wasn’t really an injury, but I sure was stunned. Sorry about the long drawn out story, I just like to share. :D
definitely bruising of the shins or nerve damage, still am. geez they have to be getting tougher soon.
In my class we have just started breaking and although I have not seen any serious injuries doing this, I have seen pain in faces and also heard yelps of pain when people have failed to hit the board and caught the board holder instead.

I can imagine there are a lot of injuries performing board breaking.

Has anyone suffered?
I have been lucky with my training the only injuries I have sustained is lack of cartidge in my knees from throwing spin kicks with ankle weights(what a great instructor he was). A couple broken knuckle, my nose broke 10 time, a cracked rib or 2, a few bumps.

But anybody I have been enough to train with knows my body is riddled with injuries from gymnastics and a severe car accident.
Originally posted by Drunken Master

In my class we have just started breaking and although I have not seen any serious injuries doing this, I have seen pain in faces and also heard yelps of pain when people have failed to hit the board and caught the board holder instead.

I can imagine there are a lot of injuries performing board breaking.

Has anyone suffered?

no board breaking where i come from just full contact sparring
I've had my share of injuries, but nothing severe enough to worth mentioning. I seem to be getting my lip busted once every two weeks, but it's very minor and I don't worry about it.

I rarely, if ever, bruise, but I've had several small cuts to my face. Actually, I can remember one injury.

We were doing spinning back kicks on kicking shields. I misjudged the range and missed. That was bad enough, but after I missed (and overextended my knee), then I hit the shield. The worst part was, after weeks of recovery, I screwed up the same knee doing the same damn thing. I don't practice spinning kicks that much anymore. I normally don't practice them at all, but they give me a pretty good cardio workout.


PS - congrats on your MT Black Belt, Rob!
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

I have been lucky with my training the only injuries I have sustained is lack of cartidge in my knees from throwing spin kicks with ankle weights(what a great instructor he was). A couple broken knuckle, my nose broke 10 time, a cracked rib or 2, a few bumps.

But anybody I have been enough to train with knows my body is riddled with injuries from gymnastics and a severe car accident.

sounds pretty harsh to me rob:eek:
I once copped a kick in the side of the shin bone, which gave me a hematoma that ran the length of the bone. I thought it must have been chipped or broken slightly, because 3 weeks later I still couldn't touch the affected area, due to the pain. Went for Xrays and was very releived at the news.

I was playing with a Jujitsu exponent one night at my Kenpo class, and tried to do the old hip throw. I don't know what SHE did but the next thing I know, I'm heading for the floor at a million miles per. Anyhoo I tucked my head, but took the fall on my shoulder. The floor was concrete with a carpet covering. There went my AC joint.

Sparring one night at Kenpo, my opponent side kicked just above my knee, I lifted my heel from the floor and allowed my leg to turn away under pressure, so it wouldn't hurt and so my range would be just right for a shot to his jaw. Only problem was, he lost balance and fell onto his kicking leg, riding the back/side of my knee to that same concrete floor. I couldn't walk for 2 days. On the 3rd day I graded and passed.

The silliest injury, was at Kempo, we were told to line up facing a partner. As I ran to a spot I clipped a guys achilles tendon with my little toe. It hurt but I kept on walking, anyhoo I looked down and it was on a right angle to my foot. So I just bent down, give it a tug and put it where it was supposed to be. After going a bit light headed a few times I made it to the end of class. The next day I went to the doctor, to get confirmation that it was broken. I was wrong, the toe wasn't broken, but the entire socket that it is supposed to sit in was completely smashed.

That is all I can think of right now,
I would say the worst injury I had was when I blew out my knee. I was training for a tournament and I recieved a horseshoe tear of my medial maniscus (cartillage). The doctor said I was lucky because he could reattatch it. Normally, if they take the catillage out you are up in a couple of days. By reattatching it, I was in bed for a couple of weeks. It was worth it in the long run.

Originally posted by Drunken Master
In my class we have just started breaking and although I have not seen any serious injuries doing this, I have seen pain in faces and also heard yelps of pain when people have failed to hit the board and caught the board holder instead.

Guilty :uhohh:
I was doing a back spinning hook kick at a test and his scream was just as loud as my Kiai. :erg:

I felt soooooooo bad. :(

Take care.
Well, I've only been practicing martial arts since the fall, about 6 months I guess. I haven't had any major injuries in that time. About all I've had are the usual sore muscles and an occasional bruise which I assume came from practice since I don't actually remember what caused them. Boring, huh? If it makes people feel better I did dislocate my pinky (little) finger back in high school -- I tried to catch a release move on the parallel bars too late. Healed fine, no major damage, but that knuckle is slightly larger than the one on the other hand now.
lol ohhhh martial arts injuries lol hummm were to begin... ive had my share of bruises and pulled muscles all minor stuff and ive had a few broken toes from stupid stuff when i was just starting out and a broken finger from my first attempt at breaking with a ridge hand... sprained ankle... and my biggest was a compression fracture of the 1st lumbar vertabrie now that was fun lol i was out for about 3 months from that one... and i also learned a good lesson too... when you begin feeling fatigued its time to stop lol
I think my first injury beyond the usual bumps, bruises, strains and pulls was when I sprained my ankle while wrestling in my junior year of high school. I don't even remember exactly how it happened. I think the guy shot in on me and I kind of tripped over myself trying to sprawl. Anyway, there was a loud pop, the other guy stopped immediately, the trainer came rushing out to check on me. He was certain it was broken. I didn't think it was busted, so I just drove myself home (it was my left foot anyway), wrapped and iced it, then went to see my doctor in the morning. It turned out to be nothing serious, but I had to take it easy for a couple weeks. Killed any hopes of going to districts though...
My first real injury was broken bloody knuckles to the white flesh of my right fist and then the left fist. The finger joints at the knuckle fingers (all 4 at a time); left and right hand. The injuries occurred about 2 months apart for each hand for almost my first year in iron fist training. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!