Finally edited the video


Yellow Belt
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Korea (Canadian citizen)
Awhile back i posted asking about a spearhand break i finally put the video up and thought i'd share it

I also did an unplanned nunchuck demo. I have only been doing nunchucks for a few months and am self taught. I know I made some mistakes, but a fellow master told my 1 minute before that i should do it and i freestyled everything after the first 20 seconds. I know it not my best work but thought i'd share it anyway.

hope you enjoy,
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The only thing I must say is AWESOME!!! The handling of the nunchucks was very very good, and the spear hand was very nice too, let me ask you how dificult is to break borads with the tip of the fingers??

it was hard i have got to say. i did alot of conditioning and have been thinking about trying it just needed a reason (like a demo). i was 100% after but for the first few minutes I didn't look at or move my fingers as i was pumping so much adrenaline that my whole body was numb and i didn't know if i had been successful in keeping my fingers unbroken but after that breaking part was over i had the guts to check out the damage and there wasn't a scratch (thank god)

thanks for the knd words
two words....


That spearhand is a crazy break to begin with. 5 boards.... you my friend are crazy and awesome. I always did ridgehand and never would attempt a spearhand. You are a better man than me. The thought alone hurts....

The nunchuks.... pretty good. especially if you are self taught. I always found my left hand was slower than my right and doing doubles I began to get out of sync because of it. You look really good. awesome.

Great job on both.
Nice Job!!! I can see the effort that you put into your martial arts training. I have always found Demo stuff to be rather boring. I can see the passion that you have for your art and I can appreciate that. Great work!!! It takes allot of courage to break a board with your finger tips!!!
I also did an unplanned nunchuck demo. I have only been doing nunchucks for a few months and am self taught. I know I made some mistakes, but a fellow master told my 1 minute before that i should do it and i freestyled everything after the first 20 seconds. I know it not my best work but thought i'd share it anyway.

hope you enjoy,

You have good, nimble hands.

Some constructive criticism if you are minded to listen: I would like to see you demonstrate more variation in where you grip the nunchaku, perhaps even strikes and swings with you hold them at the bottom to lengthen the effective area of the weapon. Work also on not being so bouncy with your feet...Your shoulders and hips are decoupled all the time from what I can tell on video. You can begin to bridge into classical power technique by working on this.

Keep on practicing! You show a lot of promise.
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You have good, nimble hands.

Some constructive criticism if you are minded to listen: I would like to see you demonstrate more variation in where you grip the nunchaku, perhaps even strikes and swings with you hold them at the bottom to lengthen the effective area of the weapon. Work also on not being so bouncy with your feet...Your shoulders and hips are decoupled all the time from what I can tell on video. You can begin to bridge into classical power technique by working on this.

Keep on practicing! You show a lot of promise.

Thanks for the imput.
I can do the effrctive strikes and practis them on a heavy bag but i figured that because the demo was for the childrens parent they would not be able to appreciate it was much as the flashy moves.

I noticed the bouncyness too I think I was nervous i'm not a demo kinda guy at all but when your a white guy teaching in korea you have to show the parents that you got somthing to offer.

Could you explain "shoulders and hips are decoupled" I don't know what you mean but i am very interested to know because anything that would help me out would be greatly appreciated

JT, you swing all the time with just your upper body. That's not a huge problem most of the time with a weapon like the nunchaku, but you can greatly amplify your stability, allowing smooth transition in rapid turns while still striking if you move your entire body as a unit during those manuevers. It's just another facet of weapons craft, that won't kill you if you don't learn it with the nunchaku but it is a much bigger factor with other weapons. I prefer to start my students with the bo first for this reason - it's an easier lesson to master with a larger, heavier weapon that increases your body zone like the body.

Essentially, try to work on your footwork, sliding with the balls of your feet rather than picking them up so high. Try to visualize connecting your hips and shoulders together so you use both muscle groups when swinging your 'chuks.

You might also try some "opposition moves" which can be tough if you are extremely oriented to one side of the brain or the other. Try to swing both nunchaku into opposition directions on occasion, perhaps to quadrant 1 and 4, rather than 1-2 all the time. And switch where you are holding them from time to time. Right now you seem to always be holding them near the chains, likely for speed.

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