Favorite Self Defense Technique

But you are saying that if he blocks or moves back, throw 3 groin kicks, one after the other... correct? Then follow with a 4th to use as a set up?
You may want your opponent to think that groin kick is the only thing that you know how to do. The moment that he pays attention on your groin kick, he may forget your punch. I may talk about sport fight here. You only have 3 minutes to win a fight and you need a "plan".
Do the same swing without a knife and see how many people respect the move.
Of course you will need to earn your opponent's respect first.

In Sanda fight, when your opponent tries to block your heavy roundhouse kick (or hay-maker) and it almost breaks his arm. He will not try to block your heavy roundhouse kick (or hay-maker) after that even if your attack hasn't landed on his body yet.
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You may want your opponent to think that groin kick is the only thing that you know how to do. The moment that he pays attention on your groin kick, he may forget your punch. I may talk about sport fight here. You only have 3 minutes to win a fight and you need a "plan".
So, I take it you do mean to throw the same attack 3 times in a row, followed by a 4th. Thats not a plan I would recommend. If my opponent were to throw 3 groin kicks in a row... I may block, side step or retreat from the first, the second one I am catching either inside or outside and then dumping him hard on the ground. After, I will thank him for giving me the easy victory.

Lets say my favorite move is a straight right. So I plan to use it. I am going to learn a few things, assuming I can throw a decent straight right.
1. I will learn how to set it up. Lead right, jab then right, jab half step back right...
2. I will learn what to do when the other guy defends. What to do when he blocks with either hand, parries, side steps, leans back or steps back.
3. I will learn what the common counters to a straight right are, how to see them, defend them and counter them.
4. I will learn how to counter with it.

Now I will make a plan. Do I want to pressure him to set it up or bait him to set it up? Do I want bait him in and use it to counter? Do I want to throw it a lot, so he tries to counter it... planing to counter his counter? Part of every plan is what to do when he defends. Parts of every plan is plan B and C...

This plan will have different things that I can do, all to set up the same favorite technique, without giving the other guy 4 chances to counter me.

What sport are you watching that you can lead with 4 groin kicks and a knife??? ;) (I want to watch too)
After 3 tries, if your move doesn't work, at least you have studied your opponent's respond well. You can then take advantage on his respond.

For example,

1. You kick your opponent's groin. He drops arm to block your kick.
2. You kick your opponent's groin again. He drops arm to block your kick again.
3. You kick your opponent's groin the 3rd time. He drops arm to block your kick the 3rd time.

During your 4th groin kick, when your opponent drops his arm to block your kick, you punch on his face. Of course you can use groin kick, face punch combo on your 1st try. But if your groin kick can knock your opponent down, why do you even bother to punch? Your opponent may be fast enough to block your 1st groin kick. But he may not be fast enough to block your 2nd or 3rd groin kick. When you deliver your 4th groin kick, you may just use only 30% power and speed in your kick.

When you attack, your opponent can

1. escape of your attack.
2. counter your attack.

If your opponent counters your attack, of course you can take advantage on his counter. But if your opponent just escapes your attack, you can only take advantage on his backward footwork and weight shifting. If his backward footwork is faster than your advantage footwork, you can't reach him.

Take single leg for example. If you shoot in 3 times and your opponent is fast enough to move back for all 3 attacks, when you play defense, the moment that your opponent's steps in, you shoot at his leading leg. In other words, when you play defense, you let your opponent to close the distance for you.

A: What can I do if every time I attack, my opponent always moves back?
B: You let him attacks you instead.

A: What can I do if my opponent won't let me grab on him?
B: You let him grabs on you instead.
Honestly, if this is a serious fight, playing for keeps, I don’t think you will be studying your opponent and using complex strategies. You just want to end it right now, as fast as possible. After it’s all over, you can think about what happened and what you might have done differently.

A competition, scheduled for 3 rounds of X minutes or something, where both competitors are entering cautiously because they both know the opponent is highly trained and prepared for the encounter, is the time to consider a more complex strategy.

I mean really. Delivering your “forth groin kick”?? In a street fight??? You’ve got some problems and need to fix your training methods.
This only works when the move is successful 3 times. Not when it fails 3 times.
If a punch is a "technique" (just clarifying our terms here), then 3 jabs can actually be pretty useful, even if he dodges all 3. If we're talking about grappling techniques, that's less true, and not very true for some (because their failure mode is too costly).
If your "groin kick" fails 3 times then it's not landing on it's target.

It always matters if your strike lands correctly or not.
How did you go from doing a "move" to using a weapon. Respecting the dagger has nothing to do with the move that you are trying to do. That same respect for the dagger is there even if the opponent isn't holding it. A knife is not a move. Do the same swing without a knife and see how many people respect the move.
I think his point is that a dangerous technique (hard kick, dagger stab) causes useful changes in your opponent, even if it doesn't land.
Honestly, if this is a serious fight, playing for keeps, I don’t think you will be studying your opponent and using complex strategies. You just want to end it right now, as fast as possible. After it’s all over, you can think about what happened and what you might have done differently.

I may talk about sport fight here. You only have 3 minutes to win a fight and you need a "plan".
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Is this your "favourite" in that you have used it multiple times in self defense and it's shown to work or a theoretical favourite that you think would be a killer move if you were ever to be attacked.

If the first, then a simple pulling whilst being pushed works very well, where some one puts there hands on you and pushes you backwards, grab the hands , go backwards fast, stop turn and release, and the go flying off into the under growth or the last time I used it, some ornamental flower beds, on The fantasy one, a flying back kick with Pike and a double twist sounds good
Is this your "favourite" in that you have used it multiple times in self defense and it's shown to work or a theoretical favourite that you think would be a killer move if you were ever to be attacked.

If the first, then a simple pulling whilst being pushed works very well, where some one puts there hands on you and pushes you backwards, grab the hands , go backwards fast, stop turn and release, and the go flying off into the under growth or the last time I used it, some ornamental flower beds, on The fantasy one, a flying back kick with Pike and a double twist sounds good
Add (to your SD pick) a pull down in one side and a push up on the other as they pass, and you get one of my favorite techniques (and the entry to a bunch of others).
Add (to your SD pick) a pull down in one side and a push up on the other as they pass, and you get one of my favorite techniques (and the entry to a bunch of others).
Yes, the push pull thing is A power tool, for use on people who are a lot more powerful than you are
People may say they don't really have favorite techniques, but if you have an experienced instructor, especially for a few years, that instructor could count off all of of your favorite everything on his fingers.

And probably has.
Whats everyone favorite self defense technique? My favorite self defense technique is irmi nage.
If I were able to use it in a fight without thinking about it, it would definately be the crushing of the bones in the hand with a Yawara Bo. However, I am not well-versed enough in it so it's not a reflex yet, and I also don't carry the weapon with me. In this case, my favourite is the hook counter to a simple palm strike to the chin, or the solar plexus. It's so simple and it has superb effect and I just love it.
Whats everyone favorite self defense technique?
It doesn't matter what technique that you try to develop, as long as you can use it to end a fight quickly. A 45 degree downward hay-maker to hit on the back of your opponent's head can be a good one. The back of the head is a weak spot in our body.
I do not have a favorite technique because I do not know any. It would probably be the one that goes through the nose or crotch of the attacker
Whats everyone favorite self defense technique? My favorite self defense technique is irmi nage.

The knife chop to the neck. It's simple, efficient, fast, and doesn't require alot of power. It will take anyone regardless of size because it targets the carotid artery.
My thinking is first stay calm (yeah I know before anyone says it that not easy if your under stress) and try and use your opponent against himself or herself ... planning a favourite technique is all well and good or having a favourite technique is the same but will it be applicable ???

Be adaptable and fluid to all situations and use the attacker against themselves
My favorite technique? Simply paying attention to your environment & choosing wisely.

Sometimes the best martial arts technique is to leave/avoid before things escalate.

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