Favorit Aikido technique?

Favorite Aikido technique

  • Ikkyo

  • Nikkyo

  • Sankyo

  • Yonkyo

  • Gokyo

  • Iriminage

  • Shihonage

  • Hijikiminage

  • Kotegashi

  • other, specify

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I've always really enjoyed Nikkyo! Both doing it on someone else but also having it done to me! :erg:

Robyn :wavey:
Originally posted by Yari
Whats your favorite Aikido technique?

Mine is Sankyo!


I like irimi nage because I don't actually have to grab my opponent to drop him. Simple, quick, and efficient. That is the way I like it.

It is hard to name a favorite, but one of the most painfull one is the combination of nikkajo (nikyo) and figure "4" hiji shime.

Originally posted by Zujitsuka
I like irimi nage because I don't actually have to grab my opponent to drop him. Simple, quick, and efficient. That is the way I like it.


I've seen Iriminage done different ways. From the arm out appraoch to the twist while holding neck technique. Each with it's own uniqueness. Is it the first one your referring too?

Originally posted by kenmpoka
It is hard to name a favorite, but one of the most painfull one is the combination of nikkajo (nikyo) and figure "4" hiji shime.


Hmm not sure what that is. I know Nikkyo, but the "4" hijishime and nikkyo together, hmmm.

Could you try an explain it?

Originally posted by Yari
Hmm not sure what that is. I know Nikkyo, but the "4" hijishime and nikkyo together, hmmm.

Could you try an explain it?

I'll give it a try. the first variation is to do a Nikkajo (Nikkyo) and then proceed to do a hiji shime (elbow lock) but keep the nikkyo lock in place. Assuming it is right handed attack, your left arm wraps around the opponent's right, go under and grab your left wrist like a figure "4". This hiji shime variation is much quicker and more effective than the basic one where you have to press the arm real tight and lock up with your body movement. once you learned to flow between these two techniques, then try to move quicker and lock up and keep the opponent's arm straight and tight and bend his wrist back to his shoulder, using the devastating effect of both techniques. Now as far as the ashi sabaki goes, if you're facing 12 o'clock and opponent is facing 6 o'clock, once you have the nikkyo lock in place pull the opponent to 2-3 o'clock to fininsh up with hiji shime. this move would put his free arm and legs in check.

I hope that I was clear enough.

Originally posted by Yari
I've seen Iriminage done different ways. From the arm out appraoch to the twist while holding neck technique. Each with it's own uniqueness. Is it the first one your referring too?


Yes - if I'm understanding you correctly. It is sort of like a stealthy clothes-line that uses leverage more than brute force.
Originally posted by Zujitsuka
Yes - if I'm understanding you correctly. It is sort of like a stealthy clothes-line that uses leverage more than brute force.

Yeah that's the one. It can be pretty hard on a uke, who's not awear about what's happening.

I personally like Koke Nage. Very passive aggressive, which to me is the embodiment of Aikido.
Hmmm....I like sokumen/sayu nage and kaiten nage. Kokyu are fun,but a bit "classroom". It also depends on what attack the technique(s) are coming from. Some attacks are more "fun" than others for a particular technique!:)
yes .......sankyo is great for throwing people around.....out windows, onto chairs, over tables.....lol

BlackCatBonz said:
yes .......sankyo is great for throwing people around.....out windows, onto chairs, over tables.....lol

Also hurts like hell when done by someone who knows what they're doing!