Aikido and Iaido


Master Black Belt
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
Århus, Denmark

Do you pratice Iaido with your Aikido?

I do Nishio Aikido, and we do his Iai - Toho. I resembles the aikido techniques alot.

But I've done some seteiai, and know alot of Aikidoka do it, but I was curious to hear if there were any other styles praticed?

I just thought I'd mention this:

I have a friend whose last name is Nishio, and he practiced both Aikido and Iaido (as well as goju-ryu karate, but that's besides the point). I just thought that was a weird coincidence. Sorry I had no anwser to your question.
Originally posted by chaosomega
I just thought I'd mention this:

I just thought that was a weird coincidence.

Yeh, that was weird. ;)
I'm also doing Nishio Shihan's style of Aikido and Iaido. :)
Originally posted by Yari
I do Nishio Aikido, and we do his Iai - Toho. I resembles the aikido techniques alot.

Do you consider this two separate arts, or do you consider the iaido to be a part of the Aikido?
We did Iaido within Aikido when I was training in Yoshokai Aikido in 89-91. It was primarily at 4th and 3rd kyu levels, for introduction.
Originally posted by arnisador
Do you consider this two separate arts, or do you consider the iaido to be a part of the Aikido?

They are not seprate. They compliment each other but also the techniques found in Nishio's AIkido are found in his Iaido.

Sometimes the techniques have to be altered a bit, since holding a sword is a little bit different than empty handed, but you can find the foot movements and arm movements in the iaido.
