FAQ on Why TKD is being smashed.

All I have to say that most of the bashing is a result of the McDojangs. But if you go to a REAL TKD school, mine included, you will see more than "high kicks".
Sorry, I replied half asleep (I just woke up and I haven't had enough coffee yet), and without reading the whole thing. He wasn't bashing TKD, he was just explaining WHY TKD gets bashed. I agree with the McDojang thing. That is the biggest reason TKD gets bashed. My dojang is kinda on the expensive side (which I don't agree with), but as far as training goes, we get good instruction. We have to EARN what rank we get. My teachers do FAIL people. This (my dojang) is definitely not a belt factory.
I think this FAQ is OK. I think it does point out some of the misconceptions that people have about TKD. I would have liked to see his interpretations of what TKD is then; what does TKD do to break out of these misconceptions? This would have doubled the size of the FAQ but I think that would have been interesting.

Originally posted by Judo-kid

I found this website and i wanted to know what you guys thought of what this guy says, Judge it for your self.
Click on Link For a FAQ on why TKD is getting SMASHED on so much.

Yeah, I agree with him...

If you read the article, you would notice he was talking about McDojangs, not military TKD schools.

seriously you keep going on and on about something none of us have heard of. Sounds McDojo to me.....

got a link?
Miltary tkd is a Miltary based self defense / thats all i know
Bagatha wrote:


seriously you keep going on and on about something none of us have heard of. Sounds McDojo to me.....

got a link?"

Dang, Bagatha, you beat me to it. Yea, Martial artist, what the heck is it? Can you provide a link or is it not real?
This was discussed in other threads.

THere are not many schools in NorthAmerica that teach this "combat' version TKD. There are a few, but the operation of the schools is less than desirable.

This is the one mentioned by Martial Artist.

Unfortuantely, the way the school is run has a lot of controversy.
as disclosed here.

Which itself (Koo Self Defense) gives out BB to 5 yrs old and is proud of it. :rolleyes:

No idea what ChoiKwangdo actually teaches, except that from the sites it seems like they reduce TKD to the strike techniques in JKD. (Their instruction videoes only for sale to members)

The easiest way to describe a combat TKD would be, ITF with full contact ( full speed and power), NO illegal targets, NO illegal techniques. On the contrary, emphasis is on destructive strikes (to all the normally illegal targets lol). Training emphasis on mental (endurance) and physical conditioning and only on selected TKD techniques.

It is combat-oriented vs family friendly. Not a commercially appealing product.

Martial Artist may have more to add or correct :asian:
Only thing that bugs me about that FAQ is that strange comment on completeness in it. Very few MA's cover everything. Not sure why it's a strike against TKD specifically 'cause it doesn't cover ground fighting.

That's the whole point of the MMA movement afterall. (Shrug)
My Instructor study with General Choi while in Vietnam. Miltary TKD is just that, hand2hand combat. He said when they sparred they would in complete combat gear, even the combat boots. It would be full contact with no pads. Miltary TKD was what the South Vietnam troops used for there Hand2Hand combat.
Bob :asian:
OK well in that sense, TKD is a very generic term that can describe just about every MA out there. So "military TKD" is nothing but normal military combat??

I saw an article about Choi kwang do or whatever in TKD times. He teaches a modified system for the "physically impared".
There is a growing feeling that TKD isn't performing well in MMA etc due to the current training methods rather than the techniques themselves. No full contact in ITF (these are in general, schools vary), restricted strikes in WTF, no pushing or grabbing in sparring etc.

Stiffen up the training goes the theory, and you'll produce a TKD practitioner that'll be more likely to deal damage against other currently popular ring arts etc.
TKD is infact its own art and style , I have no idea what you mean when you say that Its Generic. no other art is really like tkd maybe karate but thats about it.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

TKD is infact its own art and style , I have no idea what you mean when you say that Its Generic. no other art is really like tkd maybe karate but thats about it.

Yes. and there are different styles of TKD. Why are there different styles? because the name itself....which is what I was getting at :D is a very generic fluffball name that can apply to several different types of MA, and as years progress, more and more styles emerge calling themselves "TKD" or "The way of striking with the hands and feet". <- my very loose translation
Originally posted by Marginal

There is a growing feeling that TKD isn't performing well in MMA etc due to the current training methods rather than the techniques themselves. No full contact in ITF (these are in general, schools vary), restricted strikes in WTF, no pushing or grabbing in sparring etc.

Stiffen up the training goes the theory, and you'll produce a TKD practitioner that'll be more likely to deal damage against other currently popular ring arts etc.

I agree 100%. There definatley needs to be more contact, and VARIETY of teqniques thrown. We learn elbows and knees, different types of jabs and kicks, holds, several things that we learn we are never allowed to practice due to tournament rules. I hope that someday, there is a more "open" tourny for TKDists to pracitce ALL of the martial art, the way it is meant.
Originally posted by Bagatha

OK well in that sense, TKD is a very generic term that can describe just about every MA out there. So "military TKD" is nothing but normal military combat??

I saw an article about Choi kwang do or whatever in TKD times. He teaches a modified system for the "physically impared".

Military combat uses other militarized MA , not just TKD. For example, in Thailand military, they train in military MT. In Korea armed forces, you have militarized TKD, militarized Hapkido and others militarized Korean MA.

Martial Artist does not limit the term "military" MA to just MA taught to the military. He uses it in referrence to civilian COMBAT MA as well.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

Miltary tkd is a Miltary based self defense / thats all i know
Nope, it's not military based at all.

It is basically the name for full-contact, no nonesense TKD. One thing that's good is that it isn't associated with the ITF or WTF or any of the other places that can help them sell out.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

My Instructor study with General Choi while in Vietnam. Miltary TKD is just that, hand2hand combat. He said when they sparred they would in complete combat gear, even the combat boots. It would be full contact with no pads. Miltary TKD was what the South Vietnam troops used for there Hand2Hand combat.
Bob :asian:
That's military TKD that was modified to fit the military. ;) Soldiers fight differently than the normal person. Too many different environmental factors. What are you going to do, perform a side kick at 50 meters away when he has a M-16 aimed for your head? Now 50 meters is considered pretty close combat in modern warfare.
Originally posted by Bagatha

Yes. and there are different styles of TKD. Why are there different styles? because the name itself....which is what I was getting at :D is a very generic fluffball name that can apply to several different types of MA, and as years progress, more and more styles emerge calling themselves "TKD" or "The way of striking with the hands and feet". <- my very loose translation
Yep, and also take into account the origin of the name of TKD. It was to bring many schools under one name.

Judo-kid, try to look at it like Judo. There are many versions of judo. And in those versions, there is the sport version and the military version. What most people make conclusions on TKD are just ignorant as they're concluding by just looking at the sport concept in McDojangs.