Executioner's Blade

And realized that he really had no choice....... but it is nice to have several friends to lean on when you are forced to make hard decisions.:D

Care to share any experiences like this GD? I haven't ever seen a student tossed, but I've asked that a couple be let loose for their attitudes but it didn't happen.

I like to think I run a pretty tight ship....... I don't tolerate any BS. or at least from my perspective..... lol.... I usually warn people before I get a little annoyed...... In sparring.... I expect the more experienced to take it easier on the lesser experienced. And in some cases..... the lower belts have been better fighters than some of the higher ones. Respect is PARAMOUNT always!! You can be intense and not touch anyone and have wonderful control...... If you don't listen then ...... in some cases it became necessary for . ..... .......... Smacky time....... but my students are better to relay those stories than I.

Having been on the other side of the equation I can tell you the view from there.

I have had to part ways from a school due to differences between the instructor/owner and myself. Was I out and out told to leave? No. It was "heavily implied" that I should be training elsewhere.

At first I was mad. Who wouldn't be? But now, I am greatful. What this did was free me up to find a place that I could fit in.

I may not get along greatly with the owner of the old school now but I greatly respect his decision and what he did. I also appreciate what he did for me. At great personal cost to the working relationship we had he allowed me to be free and find what I needed.

I have said this before. When it comes to tax time it's not my name on the forms. I'm not the guy responsible for the show. So it's up to that person to make decisions based on the good of his school. But in the end it was a good decision for both of us, and I commend him for doing it. I would not be as happy as I am today if he had not.

Looking back I am greatful for the time I spent there and the lessons I learned. Both good and bad. After leaving I sent a financial gift and some support for a seminar he did as a way of saying thank you for the time I and he spent there together.

Now when people come to me and say they got booted out of a school or are thinking of leaving I say to them. Just go. Say thank you for what you learned and the knowledge gained. Leave a small gift. Be it money, or something else they can use or would like. Then move on. Do not hold a grudge or be vindictive. Life is far too short to be fixated on a past experience if you're not learning from it.

Often people balk at the gift part. I out and out tell them that this is something only fighting men (Understand that I do not mean man here as in male gender. I mean it as a maturity stage) would understand as to why to do it. If you can't grasp it then you're not there yet. Just do it and you'll understand later.

Seig, you may not understand it and he may not understand it but you may have done the best thing in the world for this guy. Hopefully he'll pick up on it and it will help in his growth & transition into being a warrior, hopefully you'll understand it too. Sometimes even the worst teacher will have nothing to teach but this. Sometimes even the worst student will learn nothing but this.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I like to think I run a pretty tight ship....... I don't tolerate any BS. or at least from my perspective..... lol.... I usually warn people before I get a little annoyed...... In sparring.... I expect the more experienced to take it easier on the lesser experienced. And in some cases..... the lower belts have been better fighters than some of the higher ones. Respect is PARAMOUNT always!! You can be intense and not touch anyone and have wonderful control...... If you don't listen then ...... in some cases it became necessary for . ..... .......... Smacky time....... but my students are better to relay those stories than I.

That reminds me Mr. C I'm still looking for my right eye and left testicle......

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