Welcome Ron Sanchez.......

Would also be interested in your incorporation of BJJ into Kenpo and your experience in Mr. German's system....

Hey Ron,

Always happy to have another mature, intelligent, and witty person here. Does that mean I can go home now? :rofl:

Seriously ... Glad to see you here Captain Ron, and I too would be interested in your take on combining BJJ and Kenpo.

Take care, and don't be a stranger...

Dan Farmer
Ron Sanchez? What handle is he using? I found a Dirty Sanchez, the bio doesn't fit Capt. Ron's.

Allthough, I did notice Ron Chapél joined a little while ago.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Ron was just visiting and didn't sign up yet!:asian:

Can you blame him? We got those"Mafioso" types from Arizona hanging around! Don't believe me? The "Infamous" Joe "Bananas" Bonano just passed away last week. Heard he was a good friend of DC?:eek: