Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg. MMA

I kind of can't see it.
they would be in danger of actually getting their ears smacked.
This is actually going to happen. In the Roman Colosseum.

Elon's mother, Maye, is actually trying to get the fight shut down. She's against MMA as a whole.

Personally, I think Mark will kill Elon. Maybe that's how it should be, billionaire natural selection.

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I kind of can't see it.
they would be in danger of actually getting their ears smacked.

On a side note I think the warrior culture of the elite would be a really interesting subject. Especially in light of this fight. .

When my mum was in school instead of detention the kids were sentenced to play a rugby game.

This isn't whimsy or satire. This happened. And it happened to leaders of the country, business icons. Kids at the very best schools.

Rupert and lachlan murdoch box.

Bennett has some high-powered allies in his devotion to boxing. Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan enjoy boxing so much they hired an Australian, Matt Garry, to live in New York as their personal trainer. Other devotees include the 61-year-old car-dealership owner and BRW Rich 200 member Nick Politis; and Skye Leckie, a prominent charity networker and wife of Channel Seven's chief executive, David Leckie.
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The Romans and Greeks were really big on intelligence and athleticism being combined.

We only recently tried to separate that. Probably due to money in sport.

Oxford and the university blue.
one could argue about the intelligence.
Ego, yep
Smarts? meh.

But I suppose that even then there was an element of affluence involved in the confluence of education and athleticism.
the poor folk toiled on the farms.

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