562 economists, to be exact, who contradict the common "wisdom" that raising the minimum wage is detrimental to the economy.
"The minimum wage has been an important part of our nationĀs economy for 65 years. It is based on the principle of valuing work by establishing an hourly wage floor beneath which employers cannot pay their workers. In so doing, the minimum wage helps to equalize the imbalance in bargaining power that low-wage workers face in the labor market." (Emphasis is mine)
562 economists, to be exact, who contradict the common "wisdom" that raising the minimum wage is detrimental to the economy.
"The minimum wage has been an important part of our nationĀs economy for 65 years. It is based on the principle of valuing work by establishing an hourly wage floor beneath which employers cannot pay their workers. In so doing, the minimum wage helps to equalize the imbalance in bargaining power that low-wage workers face in the labor market." (Emphasis is mine)