Dubai police use enhanced interrogation on NYer.

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Experts actually do not agree. Even men who have been tortured, for years, do not agree. Members of the intelligence community do not agree. The law is not always right or correct and often times hurts the innocent as much as it protects the innocent.

But you are adamant that you are correct about waterboarding working! Only you are correct and those who disagree you subject to tasteless comments about torture. As if you know anything about it!
The three terrorists, that's right 3, broke and spilled their information. Other harsh techniques were used against the guys in gitmo and they also revealed info. There are a lot of ways to interogate and each case is different. Should real torture ever be used by the U.S., no. Waterboarding as one technique to be used by the judgement of trained professional interrogaters, yes. KSM was waterboarded and we used that intel to eventually track down Bin laden. The new guidelines in the army manual would be ineffective against hardened terrorists trained to resist. It might take years to slowly get the information out of them by building relationships with them. We have men and women overseas on the front lines who may not have years to wait for that intel. We just captured some Imams here in the states who have been giving money to the Pakistani taliban. They were captured here, so they should not be interrogated as enemy combatants on the battlefield. They are alleged to have broken the law, so they get their miranda rights and a lawyer and no enhanced interrogation.
An article by Judicial Watch who used the freedom of information act to get information of enhanced interrogation at gitmo.

from the article:

However, President Obama initially withheld information detailing the results of this program, including alleged terrorist plots that the program prevented. Now this same program is credited with the capture of the world’s most notorious terrorist. Meanwhile, Attorney Holder’s Justice Department continues its criminal investigation of the very same CIA employees who may have helped obtain information that President Obama used to kill bin Laden.

“These documents show that without ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ Osama bin Laden might still be hiding in his compound plotting to kill more innocents.
Bought you a tee shirt.
By the way, any chance you dumb asses could stay on topic here? You know, Dubai, torture of a suspect, lack of getting a decent beer in the country?
No, well, **** you very much then.
The three terrorists, that's right 3, broke and spilled their information. Other harsh techniques were used against the guys in gitmo and they also revealed info. There are a lot of ways to interogate and each case is different. Should real torture ever be used by the U.S., no. Waterboarding as one technique to be used by the judgement of trained professional interrogaters, yes. KSM was waterboarded and we used that intel to eventually track down Bin laden. The new guidelines in the army manual would be ineffective against hardened terrorists trained to resist. It might take years to slowly get the information out of them by building relationships with them. We have men and women overseas on the front lines who may not have years to wait for that intel. We just captured some Imams here in the states who have been giving money to the Pakistani taliban. They were captured here, so they should not be interrogated as enemy combatants on the battlefield. They are alleged to have broken the law, so they get their miranda rights and a lawyer and no enhanced interrogation.

Oh yes very droll, here speaks the expert on all things related to the gathering of intelligence and of all things military. Do you think the USA is going to stop bombing Pakistan anytime soon btw? Just thought I'd ask, I expect you have a nice answer ready.

When did you become such an expert on interrogation techniques btw? Personally my opinion is that you are talking out of your **** but what would I know eh? I know nothing.
I like that last shirt Last legionarry, you might want to check out Rush Limbaugh's line of Club Gitmo shirts and trinkets. Oh, a lot of people here on the study will get aggravated fairly easily if you just show videos and pictures without giving your own opinion. It offends them greatly. Me, I think you should express yourself however you feel the need to. I believe in the free exchange of ideas, whatever they may be.
No, I'm not an expert but I do listen to those actually involved in the process, Rumsfeld, Bush, leon panetta, I have read and listened to other experts who confirm that waterboarding works. I would like to see your credentials in interrogation to show me that you have first hand knowledge that it doesn't work.
By the way, any chance you dumb asses could stay on topic here? You know, Dubai, torture of a suspect, lack of getting a decent beer in the country?
No, well, **** you very much then.

If you are talking about getting a beer in Dubai there's plenty of pubs and bars, there's even the ubiquitous Irish pub. In the nightclubs watch for amazingly good looking Russian girls, they chat you up, let you take them back to your place and sleep with them then demand money, if you don't pay up these big Russian men take you out to the desert and you are never seen again.
Drinking is acceptable there but don't go out on the streets drunk, don't let the taxi drivers rip you off either.
The police however if they do pick up are more than likely to beat you up.
YOu would need to ask President Obama, the war monger, about bombing pakistan. He is the one with control of the drones. A nobel peace prize winner like him should know when and how to bomb people don't you think?
I think that Rush should be waterboarded. But don't use water. Give me a case of jack, then wait 30 minutes.
Another article on the effectiveness of waterboarding:

eter Ferrara, John Armor, Ken Klukowski, and Carlos Ramirez The American Civil Rights Union

from the above article:

We also discuss below the enhanced interrogation techniques utilized and their results. The most controversial of these techniques, waterboarding, was used on just three of the most high level detainees who were all senior terrorist leaders involved in high level attacks on Americans and U.S. targets, and who had information regarding planned future attacks. Contrary to some uninformed media commentary, this waterboarding technique has a history of being highly effective in the most difficult interrogations. It was so in these cases, as we will also show below, resulting in information that stopped at least two planned terrorist attacks on American soil that would have killed thousands of Americans. It also produced extensive operational information regarding Al Qaeda that enabled American officials in cooperation with our allies to disrupt and shut down international Al Qaeda networks, and consequently stop untold additional terrorist attacks.

Terrorists such as those affiliated with Al Qaeda and others do not qualify for the legal protections under the Geneva Conventions. They do not wear uniforms identifying the authority they are fighting for, do not carry their weapons openly, and do not abide by the laws and customs of war, particularly by hiding among civilian populations, and expressly targeting innocent civilians for their violent terrorist attacks aimed at the death of those civilians. Indeed, the fundamental methodological operations of terrorism are consciously designed to attack civilization outside the legal boundaries of warfare, precisely because terrorist organizations are not capable of combating the military forces of civilization. Those who nevertheless insist on treating terrorists as if they fall within the legal bounds of war, or even worse as if they fall under the common criminal law, would leave civilized nations vulnerable to terrorist strategies and attacks. This mistake arises primarily because these uninformed advocates do not understand the full scope of the Law of War, as discussed further below.
No, I'm not an expert but I do listen to those actually involved in the process, Rumsfeld, Bush, leon panetta, I have read and listened to other experts who confirm that waterboarding works. I would like to see your credentials in interrogation to show me that you have first hand knowledge that it doesn't work.

I'm sure you would. My bosses wouldn't be too happy though lol. I do know it doesn't work though. I can give you a slightly dryer variation on waterboarding, secure your prisoner, blindfold him, pour water over him while waving a rag soaked in petrol under his nose, then take his blindfold off so he can see you lighting matches. No, it doesn't make him talk an awful lot but it will make him wet himself. That should amuse you as you seem to think waterboarding works, if the fear of being burnt alive doesn't work I don't think the threat of drowning does, not unless of course you can actually drown someone in front of your prisoner to prove it works, but then he'd think well I'm going to die and die fairly quickly so they still won't get any info.

Why you think waterboarding will work on people who are so willing to die for their cause that they blow themselves up beats me. Compared to being blown up, drowning is a fairly tame death. these people have a death wish they don't mind dying, you know all those virgins etc.
From my above post:

Former CIA Director Hayden and former Attorney General Mukasey write, “Of the thousands of unlawful combatants captured by the U.S., fewer than 100 were detained and questioned in the CIA program. Of those, fewer than one-third were subject to any of the [enhanced interrogation] techniques....”7
Only three of these individuals were subjected to the final interrogation stage of waterboarding. One of these was Khalid Sheik Mohammad (KSM), who was the operational mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 attacks. KSM was captured by Bush Administration officials in Pakistan with the help of that nation’s government. Even before his capture, the CIA considered him to be one of al Qaeda’s “most important leaders...based on his relationship with Usama Bin Laden and his reputation among the al Qai’da rank and file.”8 After 9/11, KSM
Actually, that is not accurate, he was waterboarded three times, water was poured 182 times, but it is misleading because there are strict limits on how much water for what length of time can be used on the murerering terrorist.
Tez, it worked on the three guys they used it on, all three hardened terrorist killers, the guy who cut Daniel pearls head off for one. It worked. There is no doubt about that. It works when it is used in military training, it worked on Hitchens and it worked on Mancow. Waterboarding works, and it leaves no lasting damage.
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