Drive Carefully: A serious message.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Very poignant reminder to all of us whether we're on bikes in cars.
(1 obscene gesture warning)
I like the message at the end of the video.
Yes it is good to drive safe.

I am interested in a stat that was mentioned. British Soldiers are twice as likely as Civvies to die on the road. Is this because they take more risks? Is it because they are used to other people with highly tuned skill sets around them when they are performing a task?
I am interested in a stat that was mentioned. British Soldiers are twice as likely as Civvies to die on the road. Is this because they take more risks? Is it because they are used to other people with highly tuned skill sets around them when they are performing a task?

Most of these stats are ultimately due to the fact that the average age of a soldier is not much more than 20 while the average age of a civilian is 40-something (I think). All 20-somethings are more likely to drink, speed, etc. If you compare all 19 year olds, etc., the difference effectively disappears.

In some cases it's been shown that you're safer in an alleged war zone (during relatively calm times--not now) because you can't drink and drive.
Most of these stats are ultimately due to the fact that the average age of a soldier is not much more than 20 while the average age of a civilian is 40-something (I think). All 20-somethings are more likely to drink, speed, etc. If you compare all 19 year olds, etc., the difference effectively disappears.

In some cases it's been shown that you're safer in an alleged war zone (during relatively calm times--not now) because you can't drink and drive.

So they take more risks, i.e. drink and drive and or high speed driving. I know the older one gets the better the rates for insurance as one is less likely to take risks and be in situations to have someone else taking risks near them. But is it higher for soldiers versus others of the same age? I wonder about that and think it might be or I have to ask myself why would they make such a specific comment.
But is it higher for soldiers versus others of the same age?

It's about the same, but as soldiers have a highly regimented life and may be where they are unable to take such risks, or where they are exposed to military risks, it can be hard to separate out the differences precisely.

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