Does size matter in sparing


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
:idunno: Ok I am a big guy around 6 foot 4 i spar alot today me and another student started talking we spar all the time and everytime we do i kick his butt all over the dojo. But he was saying well no fair cause i am so tall. My Reply Was no Cause if ur small and trained well tall people should be no problem cause the smaller person should have the speed but he did no want to agree what you think.

I just feel yes height is a good thing to have on your side but if i was faster i be unstopable but still small guys there are well trained can still beat me
C'mon... get with the program... don't cha know that size doesn't matter... :lol:
In fighting the old saying applies... it's not the size of the guy in the fight it's the size of the fight in the guy...
In a for-real fight I'm not gonna worry about how big the guy is... only how I can hurt him enough to stop the fight.
Sparring? Well, that's is definitely different since it's a "controlled" fight and being able to "tag" the other person first. You'd probably would come out ahead... if you were fast enough.
There's too many variables to consider.
Training and natural talent and determination will definitely help out the outcome.
Sounds like to me you need to work on your speed against us little guys... I'm 5-10 by the way and while that's not exactly short... it's not exactly tall either... :rolleyes:
I totally agree. If the spar has specific rules, which, presumably it does, the person with the reach, assuming both have "equivalent skill" will have the advantage.

If it wasn't a spar, but rather a real altercation, he may be just as likely to break those long arms of yours. Usually that's frowned upon when sparring.:ultracool
size doesnt matter if you are fighting a bigger guy who doesnt know what he is doing. If in a street fight people tend to think that the bigger guy has the advantage automatically but its not always so.

I am myself am 6'3", 220, and although it does well for me, it isnt always what gives me an advantage over someone.

The real deal is that if a person is to be trained well, and is extremely capable as a fighter, then having the extra size and weight DOES matter. No matter what a person tells you about how size doesnt matter, it does because the bigger and stronger you are, the better chance you have in a fight assuming you can use it to your advantage IF you know how to fight properly.

A tall guy executing a perfect roundhouse has a better chance against a short guy executing a perfect roundhouse. Its logistics.
I would have to agree a trained Fighter despite his or her size can defeat a larger opponent. The Trained Fighter can and will exploit the weaknesses of the opponent.
No it doesn't matter. I'm a measley 5'7" and generally short for a guy. I do not fear fighting someone taller and regardless of belt rank. If your 3 feet away or 8" away believe me I'm still gonna kick/punch at you.
Size does'nt matter in this instance(sparring). Unfortunately you dont get to pick the size of the people who wanna pick a fight with you on the street. Sparring against a bigger or taller person would be very beneficial!!!
What about Bruce Lee? Surely it shows that if you are good enough, then size does not matter! Then again Bruce Lee was unnaturally fast!
TallAdam85 said:
:idunno: Ok I am a big guy around 6 foot 4 i spar alot today me and another student started talking we spar all the time and everytime we do i kick his butt all over the dojo. But he was saying well no fair cause i am so tall. My Reply Was no Cause if ur small and trained well tall people should be no problem cause the smaller person should have the speed but he did no want to agree what you think.

I just feel yes height is a good thing to have on your side but if i was faster i be unstopable but still small guys there are well trained can still beat me

hi there, wonder how your buddy would do if you were grappling? whenever i spar or grapple with someone my first order of business is to take away their advantage. the vertiacally blessed?(i'm 5'10"), get in close, trap,hit,throw,choke whatever, and if i lose the advantage, get out of range and try again. those long pins you're standing on? stop hit them then attack with mt roundhouse kicks to the thigh. the possibilities are endless.

more importantly, do you find that you are gaining any knowledge by dominating this guy? that is a question you should ask yourself, try letting him inside your range(where you are really uncomfortable!). at some point you will meet someone that lives in that range, and you will find yourself looking up at him (from the mat or sidewalk), and think to yourself, gee i wish i would have trained for the short guy. think about it, good luck, train hard. :asian:
Alot of it is going to come down to timing. Like its already been said, the sparring will most likely have rules, therefore, the taller person will have the reach advantage. The sad thing is, is that most of the time, they'll be throwing some garbage shot, just to get that point. To clarify what I mean by 'garbage shot'....those leaping backfists to the head with their hands down.

A real fight obviously doesn't have those rules, so you can throw things that will give you more of an edge.

Corporal Hicks said:
What about Bruce Lee? Surely it shows that if you are good enough, then size does not matter! Then again Bruce Lee was unnaturally fast!

True. Now imagine though if he was about 8 or 9 inches taller and obviously weighed a little more and was just as fast...I think him being taller would be beneficial.

I am 6'4" and when I spar(we spar UFC-style, full contact) I have most of the advantages. Really the only disadvantge I have is in a lot of throws. I can't get under a guys hip usually and they can get under mine pretty easy. My punches are about as far as some guys kicks. So I wouldn't trade my height for anything.
TallAdam85 said:
:idunno: Ok I am a big guy around 6 foot 4 i spar alot today me and another student started talking we spar all the time and everytime we do i kick his butt all over the dojo. But he was saying well no fair cause i am so tall. My Reply Was no Cause if ur small and trained well tall people should be no problem cause the smaller person should have the speed but he did no want to agree what you think.

I just feel yes height is a good thing to have on your side but if i was faster i be unstopable but still small guys there are well trained can still beat me
Size or more accurately size differences between opponents do matter because it is one of many factors to consider when you are coming up with your tactical it a 'problem' or a 'disadvantage'...only if you make it one.

Being smaller than the average bear, I have been forced to 'turn my negative into a positive' by adapting my stuff to fit my body type and then experiment in training with various other body types to come up with good choice making processes at speed that neutralize the 'problems' of size difference.

Train to use your tools well and not to compare what you have to someone elses and it still matters but it isn't a 'problem'
Size, of course, matters. A 6'4" guy had leg reach and well as arm reach over the smaller person. I have to spar such a person and usually I'm always in range for him but he is out of range for me. So I have to get in close to fake or jam him and even though I'm 5'7" and very flexible, I still have an very hard time getting to his head plus he has higher arms blocking. Besides his sheer mass has an advantage too, if he did a hard side kick on me, I fly against the wall. (and used to) Also its easy for him to lift just a little and not use as much effort to kick as I am a lower target. For me he is a much higher target, and I have to work harder to get past his defenses. I also have to hit harder to have much impact. The only thing I think that really works well, I can't do. A floor sweep... the bigger they are, the harder they fall... :D TW
you have to remember some things about sparring

speed wins, not strength- smaller guys have smaller distances to travel when fighting, thus they are faster in a sense.

being bigger means theres more to hit- you have alot to cover a smaller opponent does not have as much to cover.

reach matters-heres when being big can help your reach if you can keep it out there will be beneficial.
I think we had a debate about this somewhere else before and most everybody agreed that size is a factor. It's not the end all of factors, but it is defininitely a factor. If not, why are there different weight classes in all combat sports?

The way we put it is that imagine an old balance scale, where you put weights on different sides of the scale. One weight would go in for size, one for strength, one for speed, one for toughness, one for luck, one for martial skill, and so on. Whoever has more weights wins the fight. Can a smaller fighter beat a larger fighter? Of course. But the size of the person does affect the fight.
Size helps the intimidation factor, but thats about it. i sparred a really big guy at a tournament, and i lost to him by one point, and i went and came in second place. Phh... He's size was scarry though, his leg looked like it weighed 100 lb. Anyways it was intimidating....i hurt though, it was point sparring and i went for damage
Sin said:
Size helps the intimidation factor, but thats about it. i sparred a really big guy at a tournament, and i lost to him by one point, and i went and came in second place. Phh... He's size was scarry though, his leg looked like it weighed 100 lb. Anyways it was intimidating....i hurt though, it was point sparring and I went for damage
That's the whole idea when fighting/sparring with bigger guys.
I've gone up against (not intentionally) bigger guys than me. I knew that I'd either have to be damn lucky or they totally suck, for me to win. I always made damn sure that they were going to walk away hurting or with a limp. They'll remember me next time.
Bullies at my highschool did and were cautious the next time they tangled with me.
Grr grr grr ffft fftt fttt.

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