Do you need to hate your attacker?

One teacher in my past emphasized hating your attacker. Now to be fair, he was referring to somebody out on the streets who has attacked you without provocation who is trying to kill or rape you or both, a very serious situation to be sure. "You've got to hate!" he would say why we were doing our drills. This caused much tension and a feeling of being uncomfortable, even out and out anxiety on my part, and I do suffer from an anxiety, disorder, as I am a Christian, and it is clearly against the teachings of Jesus to hate anybody, even your enemy, in fact your supposed to love everyone, including your enemy. Is it necessary to hate your attacker, or can you merely be determined to stop the attack by any means necessary, running if at all possible without hating your attacker? Does hatred actually give you the edge you need to survive, or is this teacher something of a radical in his philosophy? (Well, I think he is something of a radical, but that's an aside) All opinions appreciated.
I think it's important not to confuse aggression and intent with emotions. Real confrontations are unlikely to last more than 10 seconds. You don't have time to formulate such emotions in that time. You should focus on aggression not hate. It is possible to be a brutal opponent without letting emotions become involved.

You need not to "hate" or "fear" you need to not even CARE.

Your own body will tell you when it's "go time" by giving you the signals of the "dump" that keeps getting mistaken as fear, but all it is is shifting gears to make ready.

This person is not an "object of hate" or a "scary, intimidatiing guy" he is Just Another Job.
Yes I agree, trust your body. Well said and familiar.
I can see the teacher's desire to overcome the student's fear of injuring an opponent, but I don't think hating the opponent is the way to go. Hatred is based on fear and anger, where anger is based on a perceived threat. It's also entwined with a desire to protect something with which you identify: your tribe, your ideals, and so on.

There's way too much baggage in hating your opponent. Too much attachment that takes you out of the moment.

I agree with the others: just respond. Quickly, no thought, just trained habit.
I can see the teacher's desire to overcome the student's fear of injuring an opponent, but I don't think hating the opponent is the way to go. Hatred is based on fear and anger, where anger is based on a perceived threat. It's also entwined with a desire to protect something with which you identify: your tribe, your ideals, and so on.

There's way too much baggage in hating your opponent. Too much attachment that takes you out of the moment.

I agree with the others: just respond. Quickly, no thought, just trained habit.
Although hate and Anger can make even a small man very dangerous. Never underestimate it. Your opponent might have high uncontrolled rage. Bi polar people are sometimes like this.
Although hate and Anger can make even a small man very dangerous. Never underestimate it. Your opponent might have high uncontrolled rage. Bi polar people are sometimes like this.
you have misunderstood what i wrote. Please read it again, think then write.
Hope this helps.
What would help is if you try being civil instead of trolling my posts. I would have messaged you directly but you limit who can see your profile.
What would help is if you try being civil instead of trolling my posts. I would have messaged you directly but you limit who can see your profile.
I do not want you to message me. Please respect my privacy
Thank you
you have misunderstood what i wrote. Please read it again, think then write.
Hope this helps.
You wrote that rage and anger make even a small man dangerous. I disagree. Rage and anger cloud decision making and get in the way of the body acting in a controlled way. The idea that rage or anger make a person more dangerous is ridiculous.
You wrote that rage and anger make even a small man dangerous. I disagree. Rage and anger cloud decision making and get in the way of the body acting in a controlled way. The idea that rage or anger make a person more dangerous is ridiculous.
I do not want you to message me. Please respect my privacy
Thank you
You mad bro? That anger and uncontrolled rage building you up to dangerous yet?

Let me me blunt here. Knock off the bickering. Return to the topic and keep it polite and professional. Or warnings, suspensions, or bannings will be forthcoming.

Mark A. Cochran
@Dirty Dog
MartialTalk Senior Moderator