Did the CIA help kill Kennedy?

He sounds pretty sure of himself when he wrote:
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]That makes no sense to me. That just isn’t the way law-enforcement officials operate when a federal official is killed.[/FONT]

There is motive enough... not a wholly popular president as the history books would have us believe. He was seeking an end to the Vietnam War. He tried to initiate EO 1101 and have the federal reserve abolished.
He likely lost points when he stood up to Cuba/Soviets and when they backed down, he did as well.
Lots of things. A combination could've been enough to take advantage of an assassination and have a "patsy" then have that patsy killed before they could be brought to trial.

I dunno.
They released the Warren commission's report via the freedom of information act but so MUCH of it is blacked out that it's practically useless. That's called freedom of information??

We hear it so often and read/seen/heard so many conspiracy theories that people are not surprisingly fed up because they know that the truth will NEVER be fully known.
I understand Big Don's "I don't care"... lots of other people don't either.
Me? Well I'd still like to know the truth and then have the truth of WHY.
Other than that... meh.
It would be interesting to finally learn what happened for real. The whole Oswald / Ruby thing is just so improbable. Kennedy did indeed have enough people who didn't like him, and he stuffed up enough things to warrant an assassination to keep him from doing even worse things.

But as was said: we will probably never know because so much misinformation is mixed with so so much conspiracy theories that it is impossible to sort fact from fiction unless someone finds the mastermind's secret diary :)
When are LBJ's papers supposed to be releases again? 2075?
Well, obviously not the ones that were destroyed...or "misplaced".

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