I really need to do more reading on nutrition.
For the most part I think I do pretty well by what feels right intuitively for my body. My tastes tend to run toward the healthful anyway, with lots of fresh produce, lean meats, tofu, and whole grains.
During those rare times when there's too much month at the end of the money, I'm down to just eating carbs. They have shelf life, which means they're always dependably in my pantry, and they fill me up. That's the best I can say for it. After a couple days I crash - my energy level drops, I lose focus and get depressed, I stop craving particular foods (I always crave something.) Because I lose focus it can become a vicious cycle pretty quickly because I run out of ideas for cooking too.
What to do? I double up on my multivitamin and hope for the best. Much as I hate canned meat and veggies, I reach deeper into my pantry for the lesser evil and gag my way through some casserole or other. Today I'm soaking dried black beans to throw into the crockpot with cans of corn, green beans, and tomatoes. I do have some cheese in the freezer.
At any rate, my point with all this is ... why does a too-high-carb diet have this soporific effect? Especially considering that so much of the world gets by on rice with a handful of beans, fish, or meat. I'm sure the entire third world doesn't got as logy as I do. Either that, or they're just used to eating that way.
For the most part I think I do pretty well by what feels right intuitively for my body. My tastes tend to run toward the healthful anyway, with lots of fresh produce, lean meats, tofu, and whole grains.
During those rare times when there's too much month at the end of the money, I'm down to just eating carbs. They have shelf life, which means they're always dependably in my pantry, and they fill me up. That's the best I can say for it. After a couple days I crash - my energy level drops, I lose focus and get depressed, I stop craving particular foods (I always crave something.) Because I lose focus it can become a vicious cycle pretty quickly because I run out of ideas for cooking too.
What to do? I double up on my multivitamin and hope for the best. Much as I hate canned meat and veggies, I reach deeper into my pantry for the lesser evil and gag my way through some casserole or other. Today I'm soaking dried black beans to throw into the crockpot with cans of corn, green beans, and tomatoes. I do have some cheese in the freezer.
At any rate, my point with all this is ... why does a too-high-carb diet have this soporific effect? Especially considering that so much of the world gets by on rice with a handful of beans, fish, or meat. I'm sure the entire third world doesn't got as logy as I do. Either that, or they're just used to eating that way.