Democrats break the law to dig up dirt on plumber

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx

Well now we have a 4th computer system searched and a name attached to who approved using Ohio government resources to investigate Joe the Plumber. And yep she's a Democrat appointed by the governor and an Obamba supporter.

Just a bit:Ohio's inspector general is investigating why a state agency director approved checking the state child-support computer system for information on "Joe the Plumber."

Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, confirmed today that she OK'd the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher following the Oct. 15 presidential debate.

She said there were no political reasons for the check on the sudden presidential campaign fixture though the Support Enforcement Tracking System.

Amid questions from the media and others about "Joe the Plumber," Jones-Kelley said she approved a check to determine if he was current on any ordered child-support payments.

yeah right, she "just decided to check" with no complaint against the guy, no real reason, JUST CUZ, and she just so happens to be a supporter of the Obamasiah......
Even though it was dems who broke the law, there have been occurances on all sides of the political spectrum where people break laws to win. It is no excuse and I don't mean to minimize it. When people believe that their cause justifies all means then this is the sort of thing that happens. I recall one of the bush/gore debates where gore justified breaking the rule of the debate with "this is too important for rules."

Having said all that, dems who break the law should be executed and republicans should get a warnining.:angel:
Seems these systems are abused alot once you have some celebrity status.

Well now we have a 4th computer system searched and a name attached to who approved using Ohio government resources to investigate Joe the Plumber. And yep she's a Democrat appointed by the governor and an Obamba supporter.

Just a bit:Ohio's inspector general is investigating why a state agency director approved checking the state child-support computer system for information on "Joe the Plumber."

Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, confirmed today that she OK'd the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher following the Oct. 15 presidential debate.

She said there were no political reasons for the check on the sudden presidential campaign fixture though the Support Enforcement Tracking System.

Amid questions from the media and others about "Joe the Plumber," Jones-Kelley said she approved a check to determine if he was current on any ordered child-support payments.

yeah right, she "just decided to check" with no complaint against the guy, no real reason, JUST CUZ, and she just so happens to be a supporter of the Obamasiah......

Yeah, and you're unbiased of course.
Yeah, and you're unbiased of course.
One thing TF has never claimed to be is unbiased. ;) I think the big difference here is that the individual at CSS broke a law in pursuit of her political leanings while TF (at least here) hasn't broken any while putting forth his own agenda.

Zeeberex, I can see that you are newly through our doors and so might not be fully aware of what passes for 'normal' here at MT. One of the big tenets of debate, especially on matters likely to cause passions to rise, is that it is never okay to snipe, belittle or otherwise attack another member.

A good absolute guideline to follow is, by all means, dispute and contest whatever you wish but do so in a fashion that would not earn you a punch on the nose in the real world :D. It is ever best to be reasonable and considered in what you say directly to another person.

Also, one of the great things about the Net compared to the Outside, is that you can always make use of the "Ignore" function if someone infuriates you too badly.
One must use whatever means are at ones disposal in the investigation and processing of ones enemies. What is the law when one stands for a higher purpose?
Seems these systems are abused alot once you have some celebrity status.

Yes, it happens all the time when well-known Hollywood celebrities are in the hospital--dozens of employees check their medical records for personal curiosity.

(crying like that emo guy)... LEAVE JOE ALONE!!

I kept waiting for him to do a "LEAVE SARAH ALONE!" for you-know-who. :D
Yeah, and you're unbiased of course.

Actually, what I am, is against unfair critque.

of anyone.

I rail about the "Obama is a muslim" non-sense as much as I do the "Bush did coke" non-sense.

Niether is fair, niether has an ounce of proof, and both are meant to torpedo someone who might not deserve it on THAT score.

But the fact remains that this chick BROKE THE LAW to engage in a political vendetta.

that aint right
Like the McCain worker who falsely reported the crime of someone carvinga 'B' on her face. What does it prove that there are idiots in their orgs.? much as I do the "Bush did coke" non-sense.

Niether is fair, niether has an ounce of proof, and both are meant to torpedo someone who might not deserve it on THAT score.

...erm.....actually, I think Bush has been reported as saying that he doesn't remember if he did coke or not.....that's proof enough that he did, I reckon...:lfao:

And a closer reading of the article reveals that while perhaps unsavory, the woman's checking of his record was a matter of procedure-and she didn't break the law unless she revealed what she found. On the other hand, the article also reports that his records were illicitly accessed from three separate other accounts, including once from a State Police contractor.So it's not clear who broke the law. She didn't break the law by looking, though, because that's her job (though she may have released the information somehow, and that would be illegal....)
Like the McCain worker who falsely reported the crime of someone carvinga 'B' on her face. What does it prove that there are idiots in their orgs.?

as it turns out, the person in question in that incident had a history of irratic, dishonest behavior. she was working for ron paul and was kicked off his campaign
...erm.....actually, I think Bush has been reported as saying that he doesn't remember if he did coke or not.....that's proof enough that he did, I reckon...:lfao:

And a closer reading of the article reveals that while perhaps unsavory, the woman's checking of his record was a matter of procedure-and she didn't break the law unless she revealed what she found. On the other hand, the article also reports that his records were illicitly accessed from three separate other accounts, including once from a State Police contractor.So it's not clear who broke the law. She didn't break the law by looking, though, because that's her job (though she may have released the information somehow, and that would be illegal....)

Elder, my friend, I grant you that people working for the child support services can look into someone without much of a reason, she didnt have ANY reason to look into HIM

So on a "whim", she checks to see if he's got a support case.
Must have, why else would he be in the system?

In addition, security holes in the system allowed other non-authorized people access to his confidential information.

AND! his DMV records for both his drivers licence and vehicle registrations were accessed repeatedly.

All because he got mentioned by McCain?!?!?!

What the hell is wrong in Cuyahoga county? I'm so glad I moved out of there now.

It wasn't a "whim." The article says that it's a standard practice to check on someone if they come up in the media-like lottery winners:

Win the lottery in Ohio=Check for child support case

Catch a Barry Bonds homerun in Ohio=Check for child support case

Defend against an armed robbery in Ohio=CHeck for child support case

Talk to presidential candidate in Ohio=Check for child support case

It's not exactly the best reason in the world, but I bet that deadbeat dad lottery winner took care of his back child support, so it's a reason.....just like being on TV with Obama. May not seem right, but there it for the rest, well, that was definitely hinky, but not necessarily a Demoncrat action....:lfao:
While all the lottery winners, Bonds' homerun ball catchers, and armed robbery defenders probably get investigated, I doubt the hundreds (thousands?) of people in Ohio that have talked to Sen. Obama have been checked out and quite likely none of the "I'm voting for Obama without question" people.
While all the lottery winners, Bonds' homerun ball catchers, and armed robbery defenders probably get investigated, I doubt the hundreds (thousands?) of people in Ohio that have talked to Sen. Obama have been checked out and quite likely none of the "I'm voting for Obama without question" people.

Perhaps that should have read, "Talk to Obama on national TV for six minutes and become famous because of it...." :lfao: