Dateline: norway, Norway and islam


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
An aricle from about multiculturalism in Norway.

The article below was published today in Aftenposten, one of the major Norwegian newspapers:
“It is difficult to be ethnic Norwegian here”
Patrick Åserud has had enough of pressure about salami-free food, blond-hate and horrible language skills.
“I will not let my children grow up here. I do not dare to.”
He has made up his mind. After spending his whole life in Groruddalen [a district of Oslo], the developments of the past year have frightened Patrick Åserud into leaving. In the coming summer he will move with his wife and kindergarten-age daughter from Furuset [in Groruddalen], and out of the city.
He is moving from a local area he thinks is on its way to falling apart due to the heavy weight of failed integration.

Worrying stories
“It has become difficult to be an ethnic Norwegian in Groruddalen. There are huge language problems, and additionally a pressure that we [Norwegians] must adjust to norms that feel completely foreign to us, who have a Western lifestyle and mindset.
“There are kindergartens where almost no children or parents speak Norwegian, and there are schools where children are threatened with beatings if they bring salami with them for their school lunch.
“Girls are bullied for being blond, and they colour their hair dark to avoid it and fit in. It is especially not okay to be gay at the school, nor atheist, and especially not Jewish.
“Over the last three years it has been particularly frightening to watch and hear about everything that happens,” says Åserud.
I severely doubt it. According to the CIA world fact book, Norway is 94.4% Norwegian, 3.6% other European, and 2% other. Their migration rate is 43rd in the world. Not exactly a hotspot of immigration.
As with anything else in this field, it depends on local concentrations.

Britiain as a whole has a too high population transfer rate in my opinion but the local concentrations in areas of certain regions does have the same effect on we poor indigs that is described above.

There is a reason why there are BNP city councillors, even tho' their politics are so far right that a chap named Adolf would recognise them and they have been speciifcally told by the Queen to stop using references to Winston Churchill in their literature because it debases his memory.

People are tolerant and welcoming right up to the point where they feel they are being displaced and disadvantaged - then the racism takes root. It's not great but it is very human, sad to say.
I guess the poor sap lives in the one neighborhood in Oslo....
Last time I looked, there was a lot of Norway and not so many people
You've got to love right wing propaganda, it never changes just the victims, once it was the Jews, now it's the Muslims. Same old story...they are taking our jobs, they are diluting our culture, they are pushing us out yeah yeah. Stir it up and get the mobs on the street or in this case a killer out. Slag off all other countries, show how the 'socialists' are ruining the police, the country, the economy etc etc etc ad nauseum. You've got to laugh or else you'd cry at history constantly repeating itself.
I could care less about the opinions in these articles. I just find the syncronicity of these Norway/Islam?Car Burning/etc articles strange. These issues seem to have obviously influenced this nutter and here they are in the news days before the tragedy.
I could care less about the opinions in these articles. I just find the syncronicity of these Norway/Islam?Car Burning/etc articles strange. These issues seem to have obviously influenced this nutter and here they are in the news days before the tragedy.

According to the killer he's been over ten years of more in the planning of this atrocity, he was in the UK in 2002 meeting with the English Defence League, a right wing neo Nazi group here.
I suspect that the reporting of cars burning etc has had little influence on the killer as his views were set in place very firmly a long time ago.
Which makes the actions even more curious. The English Defense League was borne of drunken Soccer Casuals bounded by a common hate of things Islamic.

He may have had the extremist view for a long time, but when it became time to turn those views in to actual mechanical actions, it strikes me as a bit odd that his chosen pattern was less like a hooligan Chav, and closer to that of Al-Qaeda.

Granted, that's just my view from far away.
Which makes the actions even more curious. The English Defense League was borne of drunken Soccer Casuals bounded by a common hate of things Islamic.

He may have had the extremist view for a long time, but when it became time to turn those views in to actual mechanical actions, it strikes me as a bit odd that his chosen pattern was less like a hooligan Chav, and closer to that of Al-Qaeda.

Less like Al Queda and very like Combat 18, one of Britain's finest right wing neo Nazi groups. The soccer casuals aren't drunks btw, they are well organised intelligent groups. They don't fight and attack randomly, they have scouts and will plot ambushes as well as try to outwit the police. They are rascist and have links to the BNP as does the English Defence League.

We are currently investigating EDL membership in the Armed Forces, one thing they do is email people quite rascist but reasonable sounding views, Sukerkin posted one up not long ago I'm afraid. They are seeking to appear reasonable to ordinary voters.

If you can watch the film 'Rise of the Foot Soldier', graphic violence but good portrayal of the football gangs.
Less like Al Queda and very like Combat 18, one of Britain's finest right wing neo Nazi groups. The soccer casuals aren't drunks btw, they are well organised intelligent groups. They don't fight and attack randomly, they have scouts and will plot ambushes as well as try to outwit the police. They are rascist and have links to the BNP as does the English Defence League.

We are currently investigating EDL membership in the Armed Forces, one thing they do is email people quite rascist but reasonable sounding views, Sukerkin posted one up not long ago I'm afraid. They are seeking to appear reasonable to ordinary voters.

If you can watch the film 'Rise of the Foot Soldier', graphic violence but good portrayal of the football gangs.

Thank you very much :asian: I'll watch for that (with remote in hand...LOL)
We are currently investigating EDL membership in the Armed Forces, one thing they do is email people quite rascist but reasonable sounding views, Sukerkin posted one up not long ago I'm afraid. They are seeking to appear reasonable to ordinary voters.

Ahhh. I assume you mean that one about pensions and benefits, Tez? So that came from the EDL originally? I'd investigated it the day after putting it in a thread and it seems to have made the rounds of several countries with lashed up fictional figures in it that don't bear scrutiny.
Ahhh. I assume you mean that one about pensions and benefits, Tez? So that came from the EDL originally? I'd investigated it the day after putting it in a thread and it seems to have made the rounds of several countries with lashed up fictional figures in it that don't bear scrutiny.

It's hard to pin down exactly where they come from but many bear resemblances to certain writing styles that come from these groups.
Many of the neo Nazi groups have the same MO, they want to make ordinary people think that things are far worse than they are, that immigration is a bigger problem than it really is. It doesn't help that immigrants do want to settle near each other making it seem as if there are more than there are really. If the immigrants were spread through the country you'd actually hardly notice them. Immigrants btw include many Gurkhas and their families who stay on here, with permission, some have also been targeted by the neo Nazi groups, quite nastily in some cases, they are called mercenaries and told to 'go home'.
Hmmm...right wing neo-nazis, not possible. Nazism, wether neo or not, is a left wing socialist movement. Like other socialist movements they pick out a group, wether jews, capitalists, muslims, and use the as targets. They see groups and use them against each other to gain power. Now American conservatives, of which I am one, do not do that. We value the individual, and support limits on the government so that it cannot persecute groups that are out of disfavor with the socialists or the country in general. Here is a video, that I just stumbled upon that points to the tendency to violence in socialist groups. I bring up american conservatives because already you have the left over here trying to link the nutjob, murderer to the "rightwing." They also try to make him out to be a christian, but that would be untrue as well. Christ never called on the actions this man took.

the video "The soviet Story."
At 4 minutes it discusses Marx's plan for those people too far behind the curve of history
At 6:18 it discussess the nazis and communists and how close they were to being the same
At 9 minutes you get a speech from George Bernard Shaw about killing useless people
At 12 minutes you get the invasion of Poland and the cooperation between the nazis and the communists.

Be right back with the link.

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Hands up everyone who thinks the Nazis are left wing, ok, that's just the one of you then. What is interesting is that you don't believe in capital letters.
Yeah, Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von mises can't raise their hands cause they are dead. You can read their thoughts on the matter as well as Thomas Sowell, another economist, and several others. Watch the video, it is enlightening as well.

From the article:

The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.
What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.
De facto government ownership of the means of production, as Mises termed it, was logically implied by such fundamental collectivist principles embraced by the Nazis as that the common good comes before the private good and the individual exists as a means to the ends of the State. If the individual is a means to the ends of the State, so too, of course, is his property. Just as he is owned by the State, his property is also owned by the State.
