Dad raped daughters for 27 years

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Dad raped daughters for 27 years
  • Story Highlights
  • Dad in UK sentenced to life in jail for subjecting daughters to rapes over 27 years
  • Rapes resulted in 19 pregnancies, nine births, seven children
  • Surviving children suffer genetic disorders
  • Judge questions why social workers, professionals did not find out about case



(CNN) -- A British man was jailed Tuesday for raping two of his daughters and fathering nine children over 27 years, a case with echoes of Austria's Josef Fritzl.
The two daughters were made pregnant 19 times; there were nine births, five miscarriages and five terminations. Seven of the children are alive but suffer genetic deformities.
The father, who cannot be named for legal reasons banning the identification of his victims and the surviving children, pleaded guilty Tuesday at Sheffield Crown Court, northern England, and was sentenced to serve 25 life sentences to run concurrently.
It's mind boggling, isn't it?

I care little whether it's nature or nurture that turns a man into a beast that predates his own daughters. After the torture he inflicted on them over decades, life imprisonment should mean just that rather than the twenty years that is being reported as the amount he will serve.
What a sick person. If we're lucky, this guy will never see the outside for the rest of his life. Treatment...please spend the money on something worth while, instead of trying to rehab this nutcase.
Incestuous rape/molestation happens far more often than we like to think it does. The subject is still taboo enough to draw strong emotional negative reactions to it. Proof that it's wrong because we inherently know that it is.
But it is one of society's best kept secrets because it's in the family, it's behind closed doors and no-one really likes to speak or even thinks of the possibility. It's NONE of our business ..... until they get caught and we (society) are all too happy to condemn.
Outwardly they're a happy family and having a great life and the perps are usually viewed as regular average unremarkable citizens or very popular well liked/loved by the community (or anywhere in between). The victims have learned very well how to conceal that there is anything wrong. Any quirks or idiosyncrasies are passed off as just that, rather taken as possible acting out for what's truly bothering them.

The judge of the case wondered why wasn't this spotted earlier. On another thread we talked about the social services seeming inability to protect or be there for Baby P. But they're overwhelmed it would seem. So many cases so little time and not enough resources (people) to handle them all.
Same here.

What to do? What to do? We hue and cry about personal privacy invasion, and these stories come up again and again. Mainly because we don't get involved with what goes on behind closed doors.
It's a sticky, it's a fine line between protecting innocent children and respecting the privacy of a household.
What to do?

What to do?
Toss his worthless **** in General Population and yell " Short Eyes"...He will get his...
Pretty sick, how could one get away with this for so long. I know they were locked in the basement, but wouldnt someone ask where they have been for so many years?
Pretty sick, how could one get away with this for so long. I know they were locked in the basement, but wouldnt someone ask where they have been for so many years?

These people, like peadophiles beome very clever at covering up what they are doing, of course their victims collude with this out of fear of violence, or being brought up to believe that such behavior is normal. Many children who are abused from a very early age grow up not knowing that what is happening to them doesn't happen to everyone. Being raped by 'daddy' they think is normal. Of course the abuser plays on this often telling their victims no one will believe them (a fact that is sadly sometimes true) or they will go to prison because they, the victim, is the wicked one. There's many ways of controlling the abused person and the abusers are well schooled in the uses of these methods.
In the UK you can go to any hospitals ER and be treated, this means that hospitals rarely compare records, if indeed the same name is used.
As it doesn't identify the family we don't know if it was perhaps a family of Asian origin, many families from Asia keep their daughters fairly secluded even here. often the daughters are sent back to India or Pakistan to get married. There's been a few girls 'disappear' that way. There is still in this country a thing about not poking your nose into other peoples business and many people keep 'themselves to themselves' as the expression is and don't socialise with neighbours. It's common to not know who your neighbours are in cities and towns.