Counter throws


Yellow Belt
Jul 30, 2010
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How can you work so that someone cant throw you? If they manage to throw you, can you grab on and try to reverse it in the air?
How can you work so that someone cant throw you? If they manage to throw you, can you grab on and try to reverse it in the air?

This is extremely vague. You can train to become difficult to throw, but there is always going to be SOMEONE out there who is going to be able to throw you. Did you have a specific throw in mind?
Just throws in general. How hard would it be to train myself to be hard to throw and be able to counter throw?
One of the best techniques I know of to prevent someone from throwing you is to sit down. Most throws are based on using your body structure and momentum (as well as push/pull principles and several other things). If you deny that by going limp (think a sack of potatoes here), it becomes very difficult to throw you.

Counter throws take a lot of experience since you need to be able to feel your opponent's energy and know when and how to exploit it to do a reversal.
Sink your weight , hit them so fast and with such aggression that they are immediately on the defensive and off balance from trying to fend off your blows , it has to be a continuous barrage so that trying to grab you will be the last thing on their mind.

If they do manage to get in close to throw you , you can put your hand in their hip so that they cant move their hips out to throw, or as a very late phase defence try to grapevine your leg around their leg and that can also stall the throw.
How can you work so that someone cant throw you?

With a training partner under the supervision and instruction of a qualified instructor who can guide you to develop such physical skill sets. Words on a computer won't help you.

If they manage to throw you, can you grab on and try to reverse it in the air?

There are a range of throw reversals taught in a variety of systems, but seriously, ask your instructor. Words on a computer won't help you.
With a training partner under the supervision and instruction of a qualified instructor who can guide you to develop such physical skill sets. Words on a computer won't help you.

There are a range of throw reversals taught in a variety of systems, but seriously, ask your instructor. Words on a computer won't help you.

I may as well Quote this, since it more or less surmises My View.
You say Youre Training MMA - If this Training doesnt involve being Taught to any balanced extent, consider looking elsewhere. Because THEY should be Teaching You these things.
Otherwise, asking should solve everything.
Listen to what the fellas said above.

In the meantime, as your opponent gets in position to throw you, sink your hips lower than theirs and thrust your pelvis forward into them. But then be ready for THEM to counter with another throw, this one faster and probably more nasty. :)
What everyone else said, with the addition that if someonr can't get ahold of you,.and can't unbalance you... they can't throw you. Unless that person is a jedi. Then you are screwed. (...Let's avoid the combat kiai jokes, yes?)
I just did a standing throw seminar a few weeks ago. the partner I had was a judoka, and he complained that I was countering his throws. I was with out realizing it even dropping into stance as he went to throw me and things that just stymied him. I tried to stop doing it but after years of training I was doing it with out realizing it. so good training and stance work does a lot to stop throws.
Just throws in general. How hard would it be to train myself to be hard to throw and be able to counter throw?

I see that your account has been suspended, but in case you check back and see this thread I thought I would basically reinforce what everyone else has said--with as general as this question is, you really need to be learning this in your training from your instructor. It's one thing to ask a question online about how to do a certain technique, and then you can review it with your instructor, but what you are asking is how to learn an entire awareness/response system and that just isn't possible to learn from a description on the internet.
I see that your account has been suspended, but in case you check back and see this thread I thought I would basically reinforce what everyone else has said--with as general as this question is, you really need to be learning this in your training from your instructor. It's one thing to ask a question online about how to do a certain technique, and then you can review it with your instructor, but what you are asking is how to learn an entire awareness/response system and that just isn't possible to learn from a description on the internet.
Mm. I wonder what His/Her Crime was.
With a training partner under the supervision and instruction of a qualified instructor who can guide you to develop such physical skill sets. Words on a computer won't help you.

There are a range of throw reversals taught in a variety of systems, but seriously, ask your instructor. Words on a computer won't help you.

Hapkido is one art that does. But as Mr. Parker points out, it makes no difference how well I or anyone else describes it, you won't really learn that way.

Judo emphasizes positioning the center of gravity, jiu jitsu emphasizes manipulation of the joints. Study wrastlin'.

That is another good point, lowering your center of gravity, mentally or physically. But again, you need an experienced instructor.

As noted above, it is doubtful the OP will check again on this post. People who do what he apparently did, seldom listen to advice, other than what they want to hear to begin with.

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