Cop Blogs

Archangel M

Senior Master
Dec 5, 2007
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I've come across some pretty good blogs of various LEO's out there, some are great resources and some are just plain funny:

You Should Be Tasered: A hilarious LE humor blog. I doubt it will be recieved lightly by some of the "anti-black humor" crowd but I think its a hoot. Some of the guys responses to comments are funnier than his posts. I came across it while googling about the U of Wash. shooting. He happens to have a post about it.

Spartan Cops: A great "work" blog. A lot of good info and training issues covered in here.

Blue Sheepdog: Another good cop blog. This post is about "up close gunfights" and just how common they REALLY are. Interseting reading.

Im thinking about starting one, if I can find the motivation. Any others?
I've come across some pretty good blogs of various LEO's out there, some are great resources and some are just plain funny:

You Should Be Tasered: A hilarious LE humor blog. I doubt it will be recieved lightly by some of the "anti-black humor" crowd but I think its a hoot. Some of the guys responses to comments are funnier than his posts. I came across it while googling about the U of Wash. shooting. He happens to have a post about it.

Spartan Cops: A great "work" blog. A lot of good info and training issues covered in here.

Blue Sheepdog: Another good cop blog. This post is about "up close gunfights" and just how common they REALLY are. Interseting reading.

Im thinking about starting one, if I can find the motivation. Any others?

During the police academy, and throughout a law enforcement career, cops hear that “…it’s never the victim’s fault.” Anyone that has done this job long enough knows sometimes it is the victim’s fault. Not always, and some victims bear less fault than others, but there are definite instances where the blame falls squarely on the victim. It could be that these “victims” have just never been educated in how not to be a victim. This post will serve as a quick familiarization in how not to be a victim for those that are naive, stupid, or actually trying to be victimized.

That's bound to draw some fire.......i'm reminded of the phrase from Full Metal Jacket......'if it wasn't for people like YOU, there wouldn't be any THIEVERY IN THIS WORLD!'

I'm always amazed how it's the SAME folks who are always getting victimized in some way, shape or form.....some folks truly are professional victims.
As to the discussing on up close gun fights......I think that article makes some EXCELLENT points.....and overemphasizing close range shooting, while they very often do happen at 0 to 5 feet.......means many cops can't hit the broadside of a barn at 25 yards! And how many shooting incidents do we see where shots are exchanged at those ranges, and nobody hits NOTHING?

Cops laugh at me for insisting that we shoot handguns out to 50 yards and beyond.......but they won't laugh if they're ever confronted by that kind of a shot!

This point seems exceptionally well made.....

"Some studies I have seen clearly indicate that the greater the distance between the suspect and officer, the greater the likelihood the officer will emerge unscathed. This seems to be a significant piece of data that, if accurate, has to be considered in any training development."

Distance is my friend......the greater the distance in the shooting, if i'm skilled with a handgun, the greater and greater advantage I have over most adversaries who are less skilled. 0 to 5 feet requires little skill and more nerve...........45 yards requires an equal degree of BOTH! I want distance in a handgun fight, if i'm skilled with my weapon.
I not the comment from an officer referring to the State of Michigan making it a requirement that in the 'marksmanship stage' of fire, the officer fires 3 rounds at 10 yards.....with 60 seconds to make the shot!

If accurate, that's WORSE than pathetic!

We still fire a basic qualification course at the standard NRA B-27 target.......60 rounds, fired from 3 feet to 25 yards. Every hit inside the 8 ring is 10 points.

The departments standard is still 70%.....which I have been railing against one should qualify with anything short of a 90% in my view.......I haven't shot anything less than a 100% qualifying score in years, and usually all but one shot stays in the 9 ring or better (It's my tradition to throw one in the 8 ring.....usually left handed ;)), it's not an unreasonable standard.

At any rate, we have officers doing 'advanced hand gun training' who can barely pass the basic qualification. One should learn the basics before running and gunning.......Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, and Trigger Control........learn to walk before you can run!

Learn to shoot on the square range, THEN learn to shoot under stress at complex moving targets.
There's a cop who is a brown belt at my school... reading that first blog it was hilarious. It could seriously be written by him. The exact same sense of humor. I was rolling.

Thanks for sharing that.
Some more:

The Law Dog Files is a more personal opinion blog about various issues from a cop.

Another blog I found isnt written by a cop but is pretty "cop-friendly/oriented". Its called "TDA Training". I found it searching for "Defensive Tactics" on the net. He has some pretty good stuff.

Then there is BlueTube. Not a blog per se, but a site with a ton of LE related videos.

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