Cool Bike!

Link didnt load for me.......But Im confident in your fine taste that it is a good Bike :D

The link works fine for me. I apologize for those that cannot link to it.

The bike has a Dodge Viper engine on a frame that has four wheels. This description does nothing for it, it is a must see.
Okay it works now.........Yeah those are some cool concepts :asian:

Anyway I'm gonna go to bed now......all this religeon and transformers and so on is doing my head in! Peace out :asian:
Now that is a cool Bike i wonder how fast it can go when you open that bad boy up
It either reminds me of Tron, or

Judge Dread!

uuuhhh....*drools incessantly*...hmm..Dodge Tomahawk.......dribble.......

Saw this a few weeks ago, but the more pictures i see, the better i likes it. As an avowed crotch-rocket monkey, i just love the notion of a V10 bIke with 500 break-horses.....{WIPES DROOL OFF KEYBOARD}.

Between the tomahawk and
MTT's helicopter turbine powered superbike , i think there's enough ludicrously expensive and pointless heavy iron to keep me drooling for a while....
IF, and thats a very big IF, Dodge make a limited run of Tomahawks, the price tag is apparantly around US$250,000.00

So, i probly wont be pickin one up...:(

Originally posted by Baoquan
IF, and thats a very big IF, Dodge make a limited run of Tomahawks, the price tag is apparantly around US$250,000.00

So, i probly wont be pickin one up...:(


Yeah, me neither, that is unless I find a much better paying job, or I back into a big time inheritance... :shrug: