Conditioning exercises



What are some of your favorite exercises? I really like body weight exercises like hand-stand push-ups, Hindu push-ups, Hindu squats, back/front bridging, dynamic tension, staff, wet towel and weighted cement blocks for grip.

How about ya'll? What works for you? What are your training goals?

I just want some very general conditioning, so I do an aerobic workout at the gym and lift light weights at home. I do pay extra attention to my forearms for martial arts reasons.
running, jumping rope, bag training, sport boxing or wrestling, light sparring... All are great aerobic workouts.

Anaerobic... Lift, plyometrics.
I'm looking for speed drills. I "kill" with power, but sometimes it doesn't work. Some people are faster (for sparring reasons). Any suggestions?

Hands: Clapping push ups. Besides just practice, it helps make your hands fast.

Legs: All sorts of plyometrics. Nothing better for kicking all around. Search around for Mike Chat's article on his plyometric workout schedule, it's fantastic.
Not that I recommend anyone follow this routine, but for my martial arts training (for Kung Fu and Kickboxing) I do:-

a) Running 4 miles - twice a week for aerobic fitness
b) Kickboxing sparring - twice a week, one hour sessions, for anaerobic fitness

Then I vary gym sessions three times a week, any of:

c) Weights - circuit of 12 machines on 75% of max for 2 sets, or 50% of max for 3 sets, or 100% max for isometrics
d) Abdominal machines - circuit of 4 machines for stomach muscles (same sets and settings as above)
e) Sit-up routine doing each abdominal muscle group (15 reps each)
f) Rowing/cycling - 15 minutes to warm up before weights.

And of course, my Kung Fu class (1.5 hours)
I ensure I have at least 1, preferably two days of rest (one weekend day and a week day).

I've been doing this regularly for 10 months now, and have gone from 15.5 stones with a small beer gut and no stamina, to 13 stones (my ideal weight apparently), no beer gut, and stamina enough to make my wife blush.

Actually, now that I write it all out - that's rather a lot, isn't it? I should calm down!
Yeah, nothing beats The Royal Court routine.

Matt Furey may demonstrate it on his website. It is also in his book "Combat Conditioning".

I will try to describe it in the written word the best I can. There are multiple variations, this is the one that I enjoy the most:

Stand with your legs somewhat greater than shoulder distance apart. Bend over and place both palms on the ground about shoulder width apart far enough away from your body so that you look like an upside down V. Feet flat on the ground and your hands out in front of the rest of your body. Start arching forward so that your head/shoulders/back/chest move out past your hands. Hard to describe verbally. Your head will start moving down towards the floor and as you arch your body forward as it is lower than your back. You finish when you have arched fully forward and your head is higher than your back and chin to the ceiling and your on your toes.


This is the ending part of the push up. To repeat you simply push your butt back to starting position. It will work you in a whole new way. I love them. Hope this has helped and not confused. Stay safe.

P.S. When you can do 250 straight Hindu Push ups and 500 straight Hindu Squats you will be at a level of fitness you never thought possible. It takes some work but you quickly see results in every aspect of your skills. The Hindu Push up really works the entire body not just chest/arms. I highly recommend Matt's books/tapes. A very good friend of mine who is a fellow Deputy on my shift trained with Matt and is in his book 'Combat Conditioning'. He introduced them to me as well as the Handstand push up which is my personal favorite exercise. Take care.
Pavel Tsatsouline's stretching, abdominal training and weight training drills and concepts, along Army physical fitness training and traditional martial exercises.

I like the Hindu push-up before I do any "good mornings" as it warms up my back so well & lessens the soreness next day.
I very much enjoy Dynamic Tension exercises. They can work up quite a sweat and like the Royal Court, you can do them practically anywhere at any time. No equipment or cost only benefit.
Karate Kid,

An old Chin Na exercise for hand speed and hand-eye coordination was to simply dump a pocket full of change on a table about waist high. Using one hand at a time, grap a single coin with the finger tips and place it in the opposite hand as quickly as possilbe. Continue with the same coins from large to small as quickly as possible. Switch hands.

Might come in...handy:D Sorry, couldn't resist that one ;)
Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei

How about ya'll? What works for you?

Actually, regular training in the dojo does. Every class consists of using traditional Okinawan "toys" like sashi, tetsuwa, tetsugeta, chishi, sai, bokken, etc......
I also suppliment it with Camp Zama's NFL class weight room and lots of heavy bag & makiwara training.
One exercise we do is 1 to 10 and 10 to 1.

This is done by doing 1 squat, 1 push up and then 1 sit up/crunch.
Then you move to 2 of each then 3 of each then 4 of each and so on until you hit “10”.
From there you decrease by 1 each time back down to “1”.

By the end you have done 100 of each exercise…it’s a great warm up.
Oooh, I like the 1-10, 10-1. I'm going to use that!!! Thanks!!

I've had great success with kettlebell lifting, as taught by Pavel Tsatsouline. It's really helped me to both absorb and deliver shock. Assorted push ups, horse stance and other MA drills are also great. One exercise in particular that can really suck is called 'squat thrusts' (I don't make up the names). Squat down, then place your hands on the ground and kick your feet back into pushup position. Do a pushup and than kick your feet back to the squat position and stand up. Repeat. Many, many times. It's very enjoyable.

For striking speed (punches or kicks), candle training does wonders.
The hindu push-up is also known with other names, such as "the dive bomber" and "the tiger stretch".
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
One exercise we do is 1 to 10 and 10 to 1.

This is done by doing 1 squat, 1 push up and then 1 sit up/crunch.
Then you move to 2 of each then 3 of each then 4 of each and so on until you hit “10”.
From there you decrease by 1 each time back down to “1”.

By the end you have done 100 of each exercise…it’s a great warm up.

Cool Idea thanks for posting it.