competition team thoughts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ukideshi
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I am a member of a fairly new competition team in the northeast.
Currently the team is solely a kumite team with possible plans of Kata competition next year. Although we are contemplating adding the kata, we are not allowed to compete in kata if we attend tournaments under the team crest. I don't understand why we are being kept from the competition and don't want to be disrespectfull by not supporting the team but I would also like the opportunity to practice and prove the art in a tournament setting. Any feedback concerning possible options or opinions would be greatly appreciated..

In Full Respect.

I have never heard of a rule such as that. Could you post something that we could look at?
I'm not sure what you mean by something you can look at.
well.... if you can't compete in kata while wearing your team crest... go change your clothes.

usually in open tournaments, kata is before kumite. just show up in your regular training uniform, compete in kata, and then change into your team uniform for kumite.
However, I was told by our coach that we were to show up in our team uniform and not compete in any event but kumite.
I don't understand myself why we aren't allowed to change clothes between competitions but a desire to be at ringside supporting our teamates was mentioned. I may be pushing the buttons a bit but still I see no solid reason as to why the kata would interfere with the training or events. I've asked my instructor who is also a coach and got a very vague answer similiar to a "Just Because" that you would give without a real explanation. This may just be one of those things I can change though. :shrug:
I don't mean to sound ungratefull for the feedback in my responses and would like to thank you Nightingale and Seig for offering your time and thoughts. If nothing else you are stimulating me to think on the matter for myself as well.

Originally posted by Ukideshi
I'm not sure what you mean by something you can look at.
Ok, let me rephrase that.
That's a stupid rule, who made that up? Did they put it in writing?
Originally posted by Ukideshi
I was told by our coach that we were to show up in our team uniform and not compete in any event but kumite.

I have been competing and/or coaching for over 30 years and I am a big fan of the "Hometown effect".... having a "team" show up at a tournament in a consistant or like "dress" is very professional and team spirit building and supporting. However, only for one specific "type" of event is another issue altogether.

Originally posted by Ukideshi
I don't understand myself why we aren't allowed to change clothes between competitions but a desire to be at ringside supporting our teamates was mentioned.

I don't understand either, but there could be one of several answers. I can only guess that 1) the coach only has desire for sparring and nothing else [very selfish, or only wants a sparring reputation for his team/studio] , 2) does not know any forms or has any, 3) is not funded by a sponser for anything but sparring, etc..

Originally posted by Ukideshi
I may be pushing the buttons a bit but still I see no solid reason as to why the kata would interfere with the training or events.

I'm sure you will be pushing buttons~! :lol: I agree with you... there are no "solid" reasons for it. However, it does take a fair amount of time to work forms as well as fighting! It is no easy task to develop great form. It may even be more work than sparring! To me it a great assit for a team since forms are usually first in the day and if you are going to be at the event ..... you may as well compete as much as possible. I use "competition" to "develop" the student in all areas not just one such as sparring or even forms for that matter. To me it is a better use of training time and more fun also.

Originally posted by Ukideshi
I've asked my instructor who is also a coach and got a very vague answer similiar to a "Just Because" that you would give without a real explanation.

Well, this is always..... ALWAYS a very poor answer. A quality coach owes his team honesty, truthfulness, and to answer all questions fully and clearly.......... regardless of why. If he doesn't like forms ......then say so...... or whatever his reason is, other than ..."just because". That's weak.

Originally posted by Ukideshi
This may just be one of those things I can change though.

It may be........ go back and ask for a clear reason. :rofl: .... but prepare to be spitting into the wind.

for the insight and I'll use it to the best of my ability.

I will throw out a few thoughts, and they are mine alone.
The team may have been started as a fighting team only. I personaly o not find any reason for not doing kata in a team uniform but I do not know the rules of that group.
I know that team events have declined over the years and competeing in "team " events is at a low. However tem members competing as individuals, amasing trophys/wins for the group is common. I would like to see more tournaments have a "TEAM" competition, 5 competiors per team, each gets a score in kata the totals are added up to find the winning team. IN sparring 5 compeditors again, with 3-5 points for a win, and the team getting 3 wins is the winning team. It used to be done a lot.
I know we tried it this last weekend for the first time in years an the crowd and other contestants loved the idea.
As to why you can't compete in foms, I have no clue, it makes no sence. I know the team coaches are all kata people. Your coaches know many forms but as I said befor the team may have been strickly a fighting team.
Because you have members of diferent schools and systems on the team I would think the kata training that you do in your normal class would cover the practice time. Maybe they only want to win and feel that some of the team would be weak in the kata competition and make the team look weak?
Be respectful ( I know you are) when you start to push the buttons. Do it gently, and think, you may have to approach the head person under who's team logo you fight under to find the answear. She is always open to respectful questions.
At the competition last weekend I was told by Hanshi that things were going to change in respect to the kata issue. I think that in the future we will be allowed to compete in kata under the school crest and possibly in the future develop a kata team. Thank you for your help here and in the past weekend. I hope to see you in good spirits this weekend as well...
For those of you that dont know my oldest son is getting married on sat the 9th.
But back to the team event. Ukideshi got his first look at the 5 man team concept and did well for himslef. He did suffer a little in the singles compition. His opponet was about 6'9 and he stands about 5'8. It was fun to watch :rofl:
Thanx Tshadowchaser,
you gave me an extra 4 inches and I swear he looked to be about 7' himself. I was surprised to see him walk in and when he walked to the floor when my division was called I wanted to sit back down... LOL! I had a blast with him and the rest of the crew though. He had by far the best control of his entire body than I have seen in other men his size. {and am I lucky for that!!!}

I hope to do it again next year.


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