Come On, Lighten Up!

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
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LMAO from The Onion. Read the full article, it's worth it. ;)

Talk about not having a sense of humor. These days you can't even sit down, rudely interrupt someone's conversation, insult them directly to their face, and then act like a complete and utter ******* without people getting super offended by it. It's like, Christ—lighten up, will you? All I did was show up and ruin everybody's evening. Come on, people, relax.
I just don't get it. Why is everyone so sensitive about every little thing I do to spoil their good time? Can't they see that I'm just behaving in a manner that's completely inappropriate and totally uncalled for? It's called "me being unbelievably ****** for no discernable reason." Ever heard of it?
Oh sure, I'm the jerk. I'm the jerk for being a giant prick. I'm the jerk for insinuating— completely out of the blue—that my friend Frank will likely spend the rest of his life failing at most everything he tries. Christ almighty. What do I have to do here? Check with you people every time I might say, oh—I don't know—something completely demeaning and outright hurtful?
Doesn't anyone know how to have fun anymore?
That no one has responded to this in over 24 hours since its posting makes me wonder if you're not hitting too close to home for some folks, Jade. :lfao:
That no one has responded to this in over 24 hours since its posting makes me wonder if you're not hitting too close to home for some folks, Jade. :lfao:

You know what? I'm wondering if what's actually happening is that all of the perps who should be finding it too close to home are sitting around smugly thinking, yes!, that'll really hit home to those jerks X, Y and Z—never realizing that it's them the post is about.
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It is getting, no it HAS been getting ridiculous for a long time now. In this world where PC is required and you can't make a light joke about something without worrying about offending someone in the room.
Watching a video at work about "harassment" had me saying aloud to the group and to no-one in particular... "jeez, might as well NOT talk to ANYONE these days..."
I've heard some great jokes but can't repeat them now-a-days because they're not PC. Funny how the person of that ethnic or religious group can say the same thing and it's okay but not for someone who is NOT of that group. Sum-ting-wong here I think.

Absolutely LIGHTEN UP folks... taking yourself far too seriously and it's not worth it.
The Onion is practically the only newspaper worth reading anymore.

Sometimes they publish some absolutely brilliant writing, usually in the Op/Ed page.