Colorblind Ideology is a Form of Racism


Jul 31, 2003
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Okay. So thanks for allowing me to clarify. What are you looking for, Tgace? Just feel like busting my balls a little?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Maybe just a little. :)

The "interesting that you went in that direction" part seemed like a jab so I returned. Just a little sparring is all.



Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
Maybe just a little. :)

The "interesting that you went in that direction" part seemed like a jab so I returned. Just a little sparring is all.


Hah! I appreciate the candor. I'm guilty of the same from time to time. :)

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Touch Of Death

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May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
Colorblind Ideology is a Form of Racism

A colorblind approach allows us to deny uncomfortable cultural differences.
Published on December 27, 2011 by Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D. Psychology Today EXCERPT:

What is racial colorblindness?

Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that posits the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing — really taking MLK seriously on his call to judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. It focuses on commonalities between people, such as their shared humanity.

However, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism.

Problems with the colorblind approach

Racism? Strong words, yes, but let's look the issue straight in its partially unseeing eye. In a colorblind society, White people, who are unlikely to experience disadvantages due to race, can effectively ignore racism in American life, justify the current social order, and feel more comfortable with their relatively privileged standing in society (Fryberg, 2010). Most minorities, however, who regularly encounter difficulties due to race, experience colorblind ideologies quite differently. Colorblindness creates a society that denies their negative racial experiences, rejects their cultural heritage, and invalidates their unique perspectives.

Let's break it down into simple terms: Color-Blind = "People of color — we don't see you (at least not that bad ‘colored' part)." As a person of color, I like who I am, and I don't want any aspect of that to be unseen or invisible. The need for colorblindness implies there is something shameful about the way God made me and the culture I was born into that we shouldn't talk about. Thus, colorblindness has helped make race into a taboo topic that polite people cannot openly discuss. And if you can't talk about it, you can't understand it, much less fix the racial problems that plague our society.
The proper netspeak term for this is OFFS.
Yeah, because treating people as individuals is wrong, each individual person must ONLY be treated as representative of a group, be it racial, nationality, sex, etc... It is not my responsibility to heal anyone's wounds, unless I personally caused them. Sorry, being born in the 1970's I never owned slaves, oppressed Chinese railroad workers, hung a "No Irish" sign, etc. Get over yourselves. MTFU. The world would be so much better without those a holes who make up the grievance industry and their followers who go through life looking for reasons to be offended.
This is the kind of fuzzy headed liberal "thinking" that leads to being eaten, and the stupidest goddamn thing I have read in years, and I read Interview with the Vampire.
Her books get stupider and stupider. LOL


Senior Master
May 12, 2011
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Sorry, but that's just plain stupid. Color-blindness is meant to be done by institutions. Restaurants, churches, libraries, museums, hotels, etc ... These are all places that need to be color-blind and treat everyone the same. Color-blindness is not meant to be a method of personal interaction. That would be stupid since each person that you interact with is different with their own background, history and ideology. That the writer assumed that color-blindness would be used as a means of personal interaction tells me that, psychologist or not, she needs to get out and interact with real people more.

Institutions are made up of individuals. Often with common beliefs and goals.

What a load of self loathing cobblers I'm reading here by those (I'm looking at you, Steve :p) who are intelligent enough to know better.

I know full well that there was real hatred and segregation in America right up to my own life-time but, by any measure, you are not responsible for what your ancestors did ... the end.

Any 'minorities' who want to be victims and perpetuate something bad, well that's up to them but they shouldn't be surprised if things don't get any better whilst they play that simple-minded game because there are plenty of those who are truly racist quite willing to play along with that. Meantime, just as there are black people fed up to the back teeth of being treated with suspicion because people the same colour as them choose not to be good citizens, so there are white people equally pissed off at being treated as if they were automatically racist neo-nazi's just because they don't have a tan.

Here's a big piece of advice to those still stirring the race pot a generation on from when it started to cease to be relevant - either help make things better or **** off.

Can you tell that I have a whole new perspective on the trivialities of human idiocy since my wife died?

Anyhow, I'm not supposed to be in here ... I put myself on self-imposed leave from the Study as the irony of it's name was getting too much for me {slinks off growling}.

As is often the case, Sukerkin, you manage to slip in a really good point, that most don't see. It has long been my belief that many groups who have managed to make themselves victims, whether over race, nationality, religion, or whatever, don't wish to give up that status. Granted, there has to be something done to relieve them of being a victim of prejudice. But once that begins to take shape, there will be a split. Those who try to take advantage of their new-found opportunities (slight though they may be at the beginning) which was what they wanted, and those who want to keep complaining, but maintain the status quo. Otherwise they then would have to accept that they must strive on an equal basis and can't demand the freebies they may be getting.

Please, under no circumstance suppose, I approve of prejudice. I wasn't brought up that way. Also, having been the victim of it, I despise it. Granted, the prejudice against me did not rise to the level of death, but in a couple of instances it well could have. But I didn't let it get me down, nor did I try to demand preferential treatment. Even more, I understand there are many complexities, especially in regards to racial conflict in the USA. But acceptance of being a constant victim seems not to work either.

Sad to say, it hasn't gone completely away in your lifetime in the USA. I think some good strides have been made, but it isn't gone.

How about acknowledging racial tension is promulgated by those with chips on their shoulder?
Why is it in my best interests to placate idiots? Simply because there are so many? If I'm one on one or part of a team, and there is racial tension, someone is fing stupid.

Personally, I will gladly acknowledge that racial tension is usually promulgated by those with chips on their shoulders, as long as you will acknowledge that too many on both sides of the race issue (since that is what the thread is about) have chips on their shoulders. Which makes me wonder about your second sentence. I would suggest there are enough idiots and stupid people on both side of the issue to go around. I accept that you would not be one of them.


Master of Arts
Jun 1, 2005
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There is a very large difference between being insensitive and self-centered (treating everyone exactly the same) and treating everyone as individuals. Being aware of cultural differences is not the same thing as feeling responsible for past generation's actions.

As an example, here's a situation that occured to me several years back. I was in a bar with a number of people from work. The discussion at the time was about an Indian tribe who paid alot of money to a law firm regarding getting a casino set up, and the lawyers skipped town with their money. One of the guys with our group said loudly that they should find them and scalp them all. I was offended as I have Indian ancestry. I explained to the guy that scalping was invented by white folks as a way of getting paid the bounty for killing Indians, and they got paid the same whether they killed men, women, or children. Past atrocities are never funny.

In another situation, I was with a Jewish friend of mine who's father was an Auschwitz survivor. The subject under discussion was the death penalty. One of our friends, who tends to be loud and obnoxious anyway, said that they should just take them and toss them into a crematorium furnace. I could tell it bothered my Jewish friend a lot, although he didn't bother to say anything about it.

So, in both of these situations someone was being an insensitive boob. Doesn't mean they should have felt responsible for what happened in the past but, by the same token, they shouldn't just ignore it because we are all shaped by our individual histories. Of course, I also know a lot of people (of various colors) that have no problem with being an insensitive boob, and have no desire to learn or pay attention to anything other than their own small world. :)


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
Personally, I will gladly acknowledge that racial tension is usually promulgated by those with chips on their shoulders, as long as you will acknowledge that too many on both sides of the race issue (since that is what the thread is about) have chips on their shoulders. Which makes me wonder about your second sentence. I would suggest there are enough idiots and stupid people on both side of the issue to go around. I accept that you would not be one of them.
Great post. I appreciated reading it. But I got to the end and actually snorted out loud a little when you said this " I accept that you would not be one of them" about this:
Originally Posted by Big Don How about acknowledging racial tension is promulgated by those with chips on their shoulder?
Why is it in my best interests to placate idiots? Simply because there are so many? If I'm one on one or part of a team, and there is racial tension, someone is fing stupid."

If that doesn't look like a giant chip on a shoulder, I guess I would like to know what a chip on a shoulder really looks like. Can you guys help me out with that? :D
Big Don

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
the only wise and honorable and Christian thing to do is to treat each black man and each white man strictly on his merits as a man, giving him no more and no less than he shows himself worthy to have.
Theodore Roosevelt


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
This might interest those interested in this topic...Adam Corolla, and his co-host Dr. Drew Pinski discuss the issue of the race card and the discussion of race problems...

Carolla dedicated part of his Aug. 1 podcast to those who live to sling the "racist" label at those with whom they disagree--typically folks on the left. He began by decrying how liberals use the race card to shut down the debate without offering real solutions to the cultural problems in play.
They did what a lot of folks on the left do, which is they take a problem… Then they take the person who would like to find the root of the problem, label him a racist, offer no solutions for the problem, other than me and my racism and then move on. As conquering heroes, by the way.

Carolla then played his own race card, a tactic people who lean right rarely attempt.
You want to know what’s racist? Treating races like kids,” Carolla said. “Like they can’t handle the truth. Like they can’t pull themselves up by their own boot-straps. What’s racist is all the super-scared white people, who live in the ****in’ triple-gated communities who are scared ******** about certain races and don’t believe, in their heart — ultimate racism — that they’re capable of doing what they’re capable of doing. That’s racism.

Dr. Drew Pinsky, his tag-team partner on the podcast, is often guarded during such volatile conversations. Not this time.
We [white people] are not allowed to weigh-in on much nowadays. Free speech is a fallacy.

A more detailed look at Corolla's comments to the Huffington Post...

CAROLLA: And that’s why you have to focus on family and education.

HUFFPO: It won’t solve everything.

CAROLLA: It would solve everything.

HUFFPO: Just family and education? What about the drug war that we have, the school to prison pipeline…

CAROLLA: The school to prison pipeline — if you focused on education, I think would interrupt the school to prison pipeline. Unless there’s physically a pipeline.
HUFFPO: Yeah, I guess schools are focusing less on education and more on reprimanding kids.

CAROLLA: Her argument, is what, about the minorities being expelled disproportionately from school? I would argue once again, family and education is going to interrupt that. But she wants to focus on why someone’s being suspended for fighting, or whatever reasons you suspend someone for. That’s been around for a long time. This hasn’t. What does she want to focus on? She wants less discipline. [She thinks] that certain cultures are being disciplined at a higher rate than other cultures.

“Me asking somebody…to engage in a behavior that I know would lead to a path to success is not racist… Look, listen, there’s a club in this town… The cool guy comedy club is super left-wing, throws around a lot of terms like ‘the pipeline from schools to prisons’ and ‘voter suppression’ and things like that,” Carolla continued. “The little things that you and I wouldn’t think of as a big issue, such as getting valid ID in the state that you live in, or focusing on schoolwork and education and homework and things like that. These are the things that they don’t think that certain cultures are up to. And so they use that and they sit up on top of Mount Pious, and they look down, and they throw around these terms, and then they all go to their parties that don’t involve any of these nationalities, and they smoke weed and they talk about what a racist I am.”

Read more:


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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You can never have equality when you go out of your way to to cater to one group. When you purposely overlook one person because of skin color to find someone of another skin color. I know for a fact we overlook better qualified white males to higher less qualified minorities. Ive been in the room during these conversations. Ive heard supervisors say we cant hire him we need a minority to fill this spot. Now there is talk about lowering standards for background checks because the local NAACP said its not reasonable to hold a minority growing up in the inner city t the same standards as a white guy in the county. Mainly they disagree with the drug use cap and the credit score requirements.
I just not 30 min ago talked to our K9 supervisor and asked him how our new guys in K9 school where doing he said 3 were doing great and 1 that he was ordered to put in the class a minority might not pass. He told them before the class started the minority wasn't a good choice not because hes a minority but hes afraid of dogs. he wont admit it but you can tell in how he interacts with the dog. People know this happens and it causes resentment.
Add that to the double standards in behavior and attitude and you can never get rid of racism. I get called a racist daily at work it does not bother me but the people calling me that I think genuinely believe Im picking on them because of race. when you go around expecting discrimination its easy to find it even if its not there

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