College student kills home-invader

I know that in the eyes of some here I am considered to be monstrously Left Wing (largely because of my views on economics) but I have posted before that some of the attitudes I hold would shock them.

I have often said in discourses about law and order (in the 3D world) than I should never be allowed to be in a position where I have the power of life or death over perpetrators (or would-be perpetrators) of certain crimes because there is only one choice as I see it ... and it isn't 'life'. The only limiting factor I hold is the need for certitude in proof.

Those who utilise (or intend to utilise) force in the execution of their crime (whether 'successful' or not) forfeit any right to continue to draw upon the resources of the society of which they were part - that includes breathing in the communally owned oxygen supply.

So the news that at least one wastefully flawed renter of DNA is removed is not a sadness to hear. There is noone better qualified to judge the guilt of someone than the person who is their intended victim.
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Carol, I just watched the clip myself and caught something else ... a witness said the escaping perp was saying "somebody call the police!"

Either he was trying to divert attention from himself, or he was just that cowardly. I'd vote for option two.
The more home invaders who leave via ambulance, the better for all of us. This is the type of incident the gun control mob never mentions.... what would have been the gruesome fate of these students in a Pelosi Paradise?
Now that is what I would CALL GUN CONTROL!! HE HIT HIS TARGET!!

sounds like the student did his duty to himself and others! He should RECEIVE a METAL for marksmanship and good judgment!

I wish more such situations were reacted to that way. to bad the other assailants survived the encounter!
I wonder how many 'anti-gun' college students and their parents will be rethinking their decisions based on this issue. It certainly sounds like the armed student made a well-reasoned and intelligent decision.

A few.....the hardcore idealists, however, live their lives based on the asinine belief that only GOOD can come of good intentions, never bad......and vice versa.........the idea of bad intentions for good reason is completely alien to them.
That's one thing I can't fathom about the US' judicial system. How in the name of hell can the shooter, who would have been a victim, be charged -- or sued, whatever -- with/for doing something wrong when, if he didn't act, it could have cost him his life and the lives of several others?

Under what line of reasoning does that work?
It's not really the US judicial changes from state to state. Many states are quite rational on the matter.......others, New York, Illinois, California......not so much.
Carol, I just watched the clip myself and caught something else ... a witness said the escaping perp was saying "somebody call the police!"

Either he was trying to divert attention from himself, or he was just that cowardly. I'd vote for option two.
You'd be surprised how many cop hating hardcore thug criminals LOVE seeing us coming when the tables have gotten turned on them and their at someone else's mercy!
One one level that makes sense because it would give the perp a chance to at least try to turn the tables with a "Boo hoo, these big meanies shot me ..." At which point (the perp hopes) the cops would give the victims a good scolding and let the perp go. Or arrest the victims. After all, if the perp has nothing to lose at that point it's worth a try, right?
I wonder how many 'anti-gun' college students and their parents will be rethinking their decisions based on this issue. It certainly sounds like the armed student made a well-reasoned and intelligent decision.

That's the clincher though; "well reasoned and intelligent decision". Not every college kid given a gun is going to be able to effectively use it. Nor would they necessarily use it for the right reasons as this one did. Arming without education is poor way to go about things and unfortunately I can see many who arm themselves as a knee jerk reaction, not taking the time to also educate themselves in proper gun handling.
That's the clincher though; "well reasoned and intelligent decision". Not every college kid given a gun is going to be able to effectively use it. Nor would they necessarily use it for the right reasons as this one did. Arming without education is poor way to go about things and unfortunately I can see many who arm themselves as a knee jerk reaction, not taking the time to also educate themselves in proper gun handling.

That's the main thing, and also the reason I became a firearms instructor myself.

For all that I will shout "The law abiding must never be denied the right to bear arms" until Death shall take the breath from my lungs.......

.........I will always qualify it with this one thing:

Never arm an untrained person.
That's the main thing, and also the reason I became a firearms instructor myself.

For all that I will shout "The law abiding must never be denied the right to bear arms" until Death shall take the breath from my lungs.......

.........I will always qualify it with this one thing:

Never arm an untrained person.

In the excellent movie "Nobody's Fool," the judge admonishes the Chief of Police on his Officer who discharged his firearm imprudently in public.

"You know my position on arming morons! You arm one, you have to arm them all! Otherwise, it's not sport!"

Great movie.
How old are your college students? Ours are 16-18 so I'm guessing your's are what we'd call university students therefore older?
Thats a very scary situation to be caught in so well done someone who could think straight in there..
School for 16-18 year-olds is generally called High School on this side of the pond. College/University is generally taken place after that period.

Unless you're Doogie Howser.
School for 16-18 year-olds is generally called High School on this side of the pond. College/University is generally taken place after that period.

Unless you're Doogie Howser.

Thanks. It didn't mention the age of the students. If the students are over the age at which they can join the forces I think they should be old enough to carry weapons then.